1.0.0 • Published 3 years ago
@klippa/responsive-scss v1.0.0
Klippa Responsive SCSS
This is the SCSS library used for @klippa/ngx-grid and for other responsive design in Klippa projects.
How to use
First install it:
$ yarn add @klippa/responsive-scss
Then include it where you need it with @use.
@use "~@klippa/responsive-scss";
$default-color: red;
$small-color: green;
$large-color: blue;
.my-awesome-container {
color: $default-color;
// for all screen widths >= sm.
@include responsive-scss.responsive(sm) {
color: $small-color;
// for all screen widths >= lg.
@include responsive-scss.responsive(lg) {
color: $large-color;
@mixin set-content($breakpoint, $min-width) {
content: "Screen is currently #{$breakpoint} and has a minimum width of #{$min-width}";
h1 {
// create @media blocks for all breakpoints and @include set-content in each one.
@include responsive-scss.allBreakpoints using ($breakpoint, $min-width) {
@include set-content($breakpoint, $min-width);
The default breakpoints can be overwritten or extended like so:
// only create breakpoints xs, sm, md, and over-9000
@use "~@klippa/responsive-scss" with (
$breakpoints: (
xs: 0px,
sm: 200px,
md: 300px,
over-9000: 9001px,
The default breakpoints are:
$breakpoints: (
xs: 0px,
sm: 576px,
md: 768px,
lg: 992px,
xl: 1200px,
xxl: 1440px,
) !default;