0.0.3 • Published 11 months ago

@kohaku/hexo-renderer-markdown-it v0.0.3

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11 months ago

Hexo Renderer Markdown-it

Modified from markdown-it-katex and hexo-renderer-markdown-it-plus. For better KaTeX writing experience. You can find the original README file in doc.

Local Git: lilyknight/hexo-related/hexo-renderer-markdown-it
Github: https://github.com/ymd45921/hexo-renderer-markdown-it-plus
NPM: @kohaku/hexo-renderer-markdown-it


Recommend use it with hexo-theme-ymd45921.

You should remove your previous Markdown renderer before install this.

yarn remove hexo-renderer-marked
yarn add @kohaku/hexo-renderer-markdown-it


You can configure this renderer by adding a section to your hexo main _config.yml file like below. Of course, do-nothing is also recommend.

    highlight: true
    html: true
    xhtmlOut: true
    breaks: true
    linkify: true
    quotes: “”‘’
      - plugin:
          name: markdown-it-mark
          enable: false
      throwOnError: false
      errorColor: '#c00'
      strict: ignore          # ignore | warn | error
      output:                 # mathml | html | htmlAndMathml
      leqno: false
      fleqn: false
        "\\and": "\\mathbb{∧}"

The plugins object contains all plugins to markdown-it you want to add. If you want to add a plugin named as markdown-it-something, you should install it as a dependency first, and add it to the plugins object as provided format.

The katex object contains options that directly apply to KaTeX. Some options' meaning is as follows:

  • throwOnError: when error occurred in KaTeX parsing, renderer will return the TeX formula if it set to true, or try to continue the parse by ignoring the part of the parse that went wrong.
  • errorColor: while throwOnError set to false, renderer will set the ignored part to this color.
  • output: determines the markup language of the output. Valid choices includes MathML, HTML and both.

    You can also check the KaTeX official doc to see what other key does in the example above.

Some notes

If you set katex output format to HTML, you should import KaTeX's stylesheet in your webpage to ensure rendered block displays correctly in browsers.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/katex@0.16.7/dist/katex.min.css">

Alternatively, if you set MathML as output, which will place rendered results to <math> blocks that have long been supported by Firefox long, and are supported by most modern browsers today.