1.1.8 • Published 1 year ago

@kpm-tools/segment-next v1.1.8

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1 year ago


After integrating Next.js applications with Segment I've ran into a few pitfalls that their library doesn't provide. Here's a few things that this library can do for you out of the box.

  • Compatible with older verisons of Next.js and Next.js v13 app directory
  • Guaranteed analytics.page event fire on initial page load, regardless of it being client-side or server-side.
  • A handlePageEvent callback to tie your application to be able to run a consistent analytics.page event for better downstream reporting.
  • A fully typed API to pull use so that you know you're passing in the right parameters to your events.
  • An event helper, analyticsEvent, that guarantees delivery of an event client-side and server-side.
  • The useWaitForSegmentScript hook that you can tie into so your application is aware of when the Segment script is ready in your application.


Install to your application:

npm i @kpm-tools/segment-next

In your _app.js file, add in the SegmentScript component:

import { SegmentScript, analyticsEvent } from '@kpm-tools/segment-next'
const App = () => {

    const callbackFunction = (pathname: string) => {
        // Optionally can add any variables here

    return (
            <Component {...pageProps}>
                apiKey={YOUR_API_KEY} // Required
                handlePageEvent={callbackFunction} // Used to let your app know of initial server-side load and other route changes

With the analyticsEvent helper you can confidently call any of segment's methods in your app, here's an example:

<button onClick={() => analyticsEvent.track('Button Click', { user: 'Dwayne Johnson' })}>Click Me!</button>

Next 13 App Directory Integration

Because Next 13 only allows functions to be initiated in "client-components" and not "server-components", you will need to wrap the SegmentScript component in a wrapper before including it in the app directory. Here's an example:

'use client';
import { SegmentScript, analyticsEvent } from '@kpm-tools/segment-next';

const SegmentWrapper = () => {
    const handlePageEvent = (pathname: string) => {

    return (
            <SegmentScript apiKey={YOUR_API_KEY} handlePageEvent={handlePageEvent} />

export default SegmentWrapper;

You can then call this wrapper in your "server-components" without the need to designate parent components with "use client", here's an example in the app's main layout file:

import SegmentWrapper from '@/helpers/SegmentWrapper';

const RootLayout = ({ children }: { children: React.ReactNode }) => {
    return (
        <html lang="en">
                <SegmentWrapper />

export default RootLayout;



    apiKey={YOUR_API_KEY} // Required - string
    handlePageEvent={callbackFunction} // Optional (but recommended) - Function - returns "pathname" value
    host={URL_FOR_YOUR_HOST} // Optional - string - Domain for where your analytics.js script is hosted
    scriptPath={PATH_FOR_YOUR_SCRIPT} // Optional - string  - To override the default analytics.js locaiton


These map directly to the analytics events in Segment's Docs. All of these functions are all fully typed as well. All events return a success or failed boolean and the type of event that was fired.

    event: Event,
    properties: Properties = {},
    options: Options = {},
    callback: Callback = null
    userId?: UserId,
    traits?: Traits,
    options: Options = {},
    callback: Callback = null
    category?: Category,
    name?: Name,
    properties: Properties = {},
    options: Options = {},
    callback: Callback = null
    groupId: GroupId,
    traits?: Traits,
    options?: Options,
    callback?: Callback
    userId: UserId,
    previousId?: PreviousId,
    options: Options = {},
    callback: Callback = null


Here are the types that are used for the values you can pass into analyticsEvent

export type UserId = string | null;
export type Category = string | null;
export type Name = string | null;
export type Options = object | null;
export type Callback = Function | null;
export type Event = string | null;
export type GroupId = string | null;
export type PreviousId = string | null;

export enum EventType {
    Track = 'track',
    Identify = 'identify',
    Page = 'page',
    Group = 'group',
    Alias = 'alias',

export interface Traits {
    address?: {
        city?: string;
        country?: string;
        postalCode?: number;
        state?: string;
        street?: string;
    age?: number;
    avatar?: string;
    birthday?: Date;
    company?: {
        name?: string;
        id: string | number;
        industry?: string;
        employee_count?: number;
        plan?: string;
    createdAt?: Date;
    description?: string;
    email?: string;
    firstName?: string;
    gender?: string;
    id?: string;
    lastName?: string;
    name?: string;
    phone?: string;
    title?: string;
    username?: string;
    website?: string;

export interface Properties {
    name?: string;
    path?: string;
    referrer?: string;
    search?: string;
    title?: string;
    url?: string;
    keywords?: string[];
    [property: string]: any;

1 year ago