1.4.0 • Published 5 months ago

@krishnapawar/mysql-models-builder v1.4.0

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5 months ago


The kp-mysql-models is a mysql query builder light weight library that simplifies interactions with MySQL databases. It streamlines tasks such as creating, inserting, updating, and deleting records, and handles complex operations like joins, pagination, and conditionals. Its intuitive and efficient approach can greatly expedite development, saving both time and effort.

npm i kp-mysql-models


npm i @krishnapawar/kp-mysql-models


This package provides a set of models for working with MySQL database. It is built on top of the mysql npm module

Note:- for connection mysql we must have use library mysql for example.

var mysql = require("mysql");
var pool = mysql.createPool({
  connectionLimit: 10,
  host: "localhost",
  user: "root",
  password: "",
  database: "test",

using your modele class by extendes BaseModels class for Example

const { BaseModels } = require("kp-mysql-models");
const { pool } =require("./db");

class User extends BaseModels{
module.exports= User;

No need to connect table name if class name same as table name but without s. for exmaple we have users table then we make User model class. also we sort hand connet database by using super() method;

Example 1

const { BaseModels } = require("kp-mysql-models");
const { pool } =require("./db");

class User extends BaseModels{

module.exports= User;

Example 2

class User extends BaseModels{

module.exports= User;

You can access all methods after make User class object for Example

let user = new User;

let data = await user.first(); let data = await user.get();

//deleting data let data = await user.delele({ where: { id: 585, } });

let data = await user.deleleAll();

let data = await user.destroy({ where: { id: 585, } });

//trucate table let data = await user.trunCate();

>We can use soft delete as well by using BaseModels class for Example
let user = new User;
class User extends BaseModels{

// for soft deleteing data

let data = await user.trashed({
  where: {
        id: 585,

// for soft deleteing All data
let data = await user.trashedAll();

// for soft deleteing restoring data
let data = await user.restore({
  where: {
        id: 585,

//for soft deleteing restoring All data
let data = await user.restoreAll();

//for fetch soft deleted data useing onlyTrashed:true;
let data = await user.first({ 
        where: {
              id: 585,

let data = await user.get({ onlyTrashed:true });

or you can use same like abow example.

let data = await user.get({
      select: ["id", "firstname", "lastname"],
      with: {
        doctor: {
          table: "appointments",
          limit: 2,
          select: ["id", "user_id"],
          connect: {
            user_id: "id",
        clinic: {
          table: "appointments",
          limit: 2,
          select: ["id", "user_id"],
          connect: {
            doctor_id: "id",
      where: {
        id: 585,

first method for geting single data

const data = await first({
      table: "users",
      select: ["id", "first_name", "last_name"],
      limit: 10,
      latest: "id",
      whereNotIn: {
        id: [1, 1221],
      whereIs: {
        last_name: "NULL",

get methods

const data = await user.get({
        select: ["id", "first_name", "last_name"],
        limit: 10,
        latest: "id",
        whereNotIn: {
          id: [1, 1221],
        whereIs: {
          last_name: "NULL",

Dyanamic Pagination

we can make dyanamic pagination with key word (pagination:1) 1 is page No. we can set page limit by (limit:10) key word 10 is 10 data per page

const data = await user.get({
        limit: 10,      
        pagination: 1,

Let's see another Example

let page = req.query.page;

const data = await user.get({
        limit: 10,      
        pagination: page,
let data = await User.findOne(13);

findOneById()=> Data get by Id you can also use other condition by using obj like {name:"test", date:"12/10/2023"} or simply id

let data = await User.findOneById(13);

Example find() Method

let data = await User.find({

Database Relation

using with() method using with first method to fetch data in specific variable in object

const data = await user.first({
      select: [
      with: {
        doctor: {
          table: "appointments",
          limit: 2,
          select: ["id", "user_id"],
          connect: {
            user_id: "id",
        clinic: {
          table: "appointments",
          limit: 2,
          select: ["id", "user_id"],
          connect: {
            doctor_id: "id",
      where: {
        id: 585,

Applying the with() method in conjunction with the get method to retrieve data and store it in a specific variable within an object.

const data = await user.get({
      select: ["id", "created_by_id", "first_name", "last_name"],
      with: {
        doctor: {
          table: "appointments",
          limit: 2,
          select: ["id", "user_id"],
          connect: {
            user_id: "id",
        clinic: {
          table: "appointments",
          limit: 2,
          select: ["id", "user_id"],
          connect: {
            doctor_id: "id",
      where: {
        created_by_id: "1",

Let's See More Examples using with hasOne, belognsTo, hasMany, connect in (with:{}).


WE can get multi level relational data using with

let data = await User.get({
              select:['id as doctor_id','email'],

belongsTo and hasOne give single response with single object data and other hand hasMany and connect, give array object response with multiple object data `.

const data = await user.dbJoin({
      table: "users",
      limit: 10,
      select: [
        "users.id as uId",
        "lab.first_name as lab_name",
      latest: "appointments.id",
      join: [
          type: "hasOne",
          table: "appointments",
          on: {
            "users.id": "appointments.patient_id",
          type: "belongsTo",
          table: "users lab",
          on: {
            "lab.id": "appointments.user_id",
      where: {
        "users.id": 1122,
      pagination: page,

you can also use for this method to join mutlipal table

const data = await user.dbWith({
      table: "users",
      limit: 10,
      select: [
        "users.id as uId",
        "lab.first_name as lab_name",
      latest: "appointments.id",
      with: {
        hasOne: [
            table: "appointments",
            on: {
              "users.id": "appointments.patient_id",
            table: "users clinic",
            on: {
              "clinic.id": "appointments.clinic_id",
        belongsTo: [
            table: "users lab",
            on: {
              "lab.id": "appointments.user_id",
      where: {
        "users.id": 1122,
      pagination: page,

Note:- we can use left join, right join, join and inner join instant of hasOne, belognsTo, hasMany, connect in dbJoin(),dbWith() and also with with.

Some Important Models methods, we can use all methods by extends BaseModels in our Model,

  • get,
  • first,
  • dbQuery,
  • trunCate,
  • deleleAll,
  • destroy,
  • delete,
  • create,
  • update,
  • save,
  • dbJoin,
  • dbWith,
  • trasted,
  • restore,
  • trastedAll,
  • restoreAll,
  • trunCate,

Helper methods

import all Helper method Example

const {
} = require("kp-mysql-models");

first you have to setup mysql connection for using helper. we can setup by using setBDConnection() method to connect database or we can directly pass mysql pool or db connection object or params in help method look both example in below.

var mysql = require("mysql");
var pool = mysql.createPool({
  connectionLimit: 10,
  host: "localhost",
  user: "root",
  password: "",
  database: "test",

Example 1 for using setDBConnection method

const data = await get({
      table: "users",
      whereNotIn: {
        id: [1, 1221],


You can also pass the connection object to each method directly Example 2 for directly pass db connection

const data = await get({
      table: "users",
      whereNotIn: {
        id: [1, 1221],

Available important Helper methods can we use as well

  • setBDConnection,
  • get,
  • first,
  • dbQuery,
  • trunCate,
  • deleleAll,
  • destroy,
  • create,
  • update,
  • save,
  • dbJoin,
  • dbWith,
  • BaseModels

Let's see more Exmaples

create method using for create data

const data = await create({
      table: "users",
      elements: {
        first_name: "ram",
        last_name: "ji",

update method using for updating data

const dataj = await update({
      table: "users",
      elements: {
        first_name: "ram",
        last_name: "ji",
      where: {
        id: 1223,

save method using for create or updating data

const dataj = await save({
      table: "users",
      elements: {
        first_name: "ram",
        last_name: "ji",
      // where: {
      //   id: 1223,
      // },

Some Important Key Words that can help in that methods,

  1. table:

    • Represents the fundamental structure for storing data in a relational database.
  2. select:

    • Used to retrieve specific columns from a table, allowing developers to fetch only the necessary data.
  3. elements:

    • Denotes individual pieces of data within a table, referring to the distinct values or attributes stored.
  4. latest:

    • Facilitates the retrieval of the most recent records from a table based on a specified criterion, often a timestamp.
  5. limit:

    • Restricts the number of records returned in a query, helping manage the quantity of data retrieved.
  6. pagination:

    • A technique for breaking down large result sets into smaller, manageable chunks, commonly used for displaying data in paginated user interfaces.
  7. with:

    • Used in ORM frameworks to specify related data that should be retrieved along with the main query, optimizing data retrieval for relationships.
  8. connect:

    • Establishes connections between tables in an ORM framework, enabling the definition of relationships between entities.
  9. hasOne:

    • Indicates a one-to-one relationship between tables, specifying that one record in the first table is associated with exactly one record in the second table.
  10. belongsTo:

    • Denotes the inverse of a "hasOne" relationship, specifying the table that another table is associated with in a one-to-one relationship.
  11. hasMany:

    • Specifies a one-to-many relationship between tables, where one record in the first table can be associated with multiple records in the second table.
  12. join:

    • Combines data from multiple tables based on specified conditions, allowing for the retrieval of interconnected information.
  13. dbWith:

    • Similar to "with," used in ORM frameworks to specify additional data to be retrieved along with the main query, aiding in optimizing data fetching.
  14. where:

    • Filters data based on specified conditions, allowing developers to narrow down the result set to records that meet certain criteria.
  15. whereOr, whereIn, whereNotIn, whereIs, whereIsNull, whereIsNotNull, whereRaw:

    • Different variations of the "where" clause, providing flexibility in constructing precise queries with various conditions.
  16. on, onOr, onIn, onNotIn, onIs, onRaw:

    • Used in join operations to define conditions under which tables are linked, refining the result set based on specific criteria.
  17. onlyTrashed:

    • Used in the context of soft deletes, indicating that only records marked as deleted should be included in the query results.
  18. groupBy:

  • Groups query results based on specified columns, allowing for data aggregation using aggregate functions like COUNT or SUM.
  1. raw:
  • Enables the inclusion of raw SQL expressions in a query, providing flexibility for complex queries and custom database operations. Exercise caution to prevent SQL injection vulnerabilities.

Here are the descriptions for the provided where and on operations with examples

Where Operations:

  1. where:-

    • Filters records where the 'id' is equal to 1223.
     where: {
             id: 1223,
  2. whereOr:-

    • Filters records where the 'id' is equal to 1223 using the logical OR operator, allowing for multiple conditions.
     whereOr: {
                 id: 1223,
  3. whereIn:-

    • Filters records where the 'id' is either 1 or 1221, allowing for multiple values using the IN clause.
         whereIn: {
                 id: [1, 1221],
  4. whereNotIn:-

    • Filters records where the 'id' is not in the list 1, 1221, excluding records with specified values.
      whereNotIn: {
              id: [1, 1221],
  5. whereIs:-

    • Filters records where the 'last_name' is explicitly set to NULL.
         whereIs: {
             last_name: "NULL",
  6. whereIsNot:-

    • Filters records where the 'last_name' is not set to NULL.
     whereIsNot: {
             last_name: "NULL",
  7. whereRaw:-

    • Allows the use of raw SQL conditions, in this case filtering records where 'name' is 'mohan' and 'age' is 30.
     whereRaw:"name='mohan' and age=30 "

On Operations:

  1. on:-

    • Specifies a condition for joining tables based on the 'id' being equal to 1223.
     on: {
             id: 1223,
  2. onOr:-

    • Specifies a condition for joining tables based on the 'id' being equal to 1223 using the logical OR operator.
     onOr: {
             id: 1223,
  3. onIn:-

    • Specifies a condition for joining tables based on the 'id' being either 1 or 1221, using the IN clause.
     onIn: {
             id: [1, 1221],
  4. onNotIn:-

    • Specifies a condition for joining tables based on the 'id' not being in the list 1, 1221, excluding certain values.
     onNotIn: {
             id: [1, 1221],
  5. onIs:-

    • Specifies a condition for joining tables based on the 'last_name' being explicitly set to NULL.
     onIs: {
         last_name: "NULL",
  6. onIsNot:-

    • Specifies a condition for joining tables based on the 'last_name' not being set to NULL.
     onIsNot: {
             last_name: "NULL",
  7. onRaw:-

    • Allows the use of raw SQL conditions for joining tables, in this case specifying conditions where 'name' is 'mohan' and 'age' is 30.
     onRaw:"name='mohan' and age=30 "



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