1.0.2 • Published 3 years ago

@krushaybhavsar/triedatastructure v1.0.2

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3 years ago

Trie Data Structure

NPM package: @krushaybhavsar/triedatastructure

Installation Instructions

Please be sure to have Node.js and NPM installed on your system prior to following these instructions 1. Open your system's command-line interpreter (Command Prompt for Windows) 2. Install the modules needed to run the data structure by entering the following lines:

npm install prompt-sync
npm install node-fetch
  1. Install the node package by entering the following command:
npx @krushaybhavsar/triedatastructure
  1. At this point you the CLI (command-line interface) of the NPM package should begin running on your system.

CLI Usage Instructions

Upon runnng the CLI, your command-line interpreter should look something like this:

Welcome to the Trie CLI!
You can enter 'quit' anytime to exit the program.

Enter 'load trie' to load the trie >>>

Enter load trie so that the program can send a GET request to retrieve data from a Firebase database.

Enter 'load trie' to load the trie >>> load trie
[ 'apple', 'car', 'ape', 'app' ]
Trie successfully loaded!

Now that you have loaded the trie, you can perform operations by typing in valid commands.
Enter 'help' to view a full list of valid commands.

Enter a command >>>

The program should now allow you to perfrom operations on the trie. To view all operations that can be performed on the trie, enter help.

Enter a command >>> help
Valid commands are:
'insert' --> inserts keyword into trie
'delete' --> deletes keyword from trie
'search' --> checks if keyword is in trie
'autocomplete' --> gives list of autocomplete suggestions based on given keyword prefix (suggests partial words)
'autocomplete full' --> gives list of autocomplete suggestions based on given keyword prefix (suggests full words)
'display' --> lists all words present in trie
'quit' --> terminates program

Enter a command >>>

Anytime you are not in the middle of performing an operation, you have the option to enter quit, which will terminate the program. To perfrom operations on the trie, first enter the name of the operation you would like to perform. Then, follow through with what the CLI asks to execute the operation. The snippet below shows an example of how you could insert a keyword into the trie:

Enter a command >>> insert
Enter a word to insert into the trie >>> coding
Updating data in database...
Word successfully inserted!

Enter a command >>>

Once an operation has been executed successfully, the CLI will prompt you to enter a command once again. During this time, you have the opportunity to display the words that are currently in the trie:

Enter a command >>> display
[ 'ape', 'app', 'apple', 'car', 'coding' ]

Enter a command >>>

If you are confused on what a certain operation does, you can enter help to view a brief description on the operation's purpose.