1.0.0 • Published 4 years ago

@ksthiru/facts v1.0.0

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4 years ago

Facts SDK for NodeJS

The Facts SDK is a simple and powerful REST API to manage shared knowledge. The SDK bundles Bleumi Pay API into one SDK to ease implementation and support.

Getting Started

The Facts SDK for NodeJS bundles TypeScript definition files for use in TypeScript projects and to support tools that can read .d.ts files. Our goal is to keep these TypeScript definition files updated with each release for any public api.


Before you can begin using these TypeScript definitions with your project, you need to make sure your project meets a few of these requirements:

Development Environment

  • Use TypeScript v2.x
  • Includes the TypeScript definitions for node. You can use npm to install this by typing the following into a terminal window:

    npm install --save-dev @types/node
  • If you are targeting at es5 or older ECMA standards, your tsconfig.json has to include 'es5' and 'es2015.promise' under compilerOptions.lib. See tsconfig.json for an example.

Obtain An API Key

Bleumi Pay SDK uses API keys to authenticate requests. You can obtain an API key through the (https://thirupathy.me/facts/app/).

Install Package

npm (scoped)

In Node.js

npm install facts-sdk-nodejs -g

Run Sample Code

The following code gets an entity given the ID.

import { EntitiesApi, EntitiesApiApiKeys } from './api/entitiesApi';

// Instantiate clients
const facts = new EntitiesApi();

async function getWallet(id: string) {
    try {
        facts.setApiKey(EntitiesApiApiKeys.ApiKeyAuth, '<YOUR_API_KEY>')
        const response = await facts.getEntity(id);
        const wallet = response.body;
    } catch (err) {
        console.error('Error statusCode:', err.response.statusCode);
        console.error('Error reponse:', err.response.body);


Documentation for API Endpoints

ClassMethodHTTP requestDescription
EntitiesApicreateEntityPOST /api/v1/entityCreate an entity
EntitiesApigetEntityGET /api/v1/entity/{id}Return a specific entity
EntitiesApilistEntitiesGET /api/v1/entityReturns a list of entities

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization

Authentication schemes defined for the API:


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: x-api-key
  • Location: HTTP header


It's recommended to create an instance of ApiClient per thread in a multithreaded environment to avoid any potential issues.

