1.11.2 • Published 7 years ago
@kwangkim/remark-html-katex v1.11.2
Remark HTML Katex
KaTeX transformer plugin for remark-html.
It transfroms html content of math
and inlineMath
nodes with KaTeX.
nodes can be parsed withremark-math
npm i -S remark remark-math remark-html
npm i -S remark-html-katex
const remark = require('remark')
const math = require('remark-math')
const katex = require('remark-html-katex')
const html = require('remark-html')
// Raw String => MDAST => transformed MDAST => HTML
const processor = remark()
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lift_(force)#Lift_coefficient
const rawString = `Lift($L$) can be determined by Lift Coeeficient ($C_L$) like the following equation.
L = \\frac{1}{2} \\rho v^2 S C_L
const result = processor.processSync(rawString).toString()
/* result
Lift(<span class="inlineMath"><span class="katex">...</span></span>) can be determined by Lift Coeeficient (<span class="inlineMath"><span class="katex">...</span></span>) like the following equation.
<div class="math">
<span class="katex-display"><span class="katex">...</span></span>
Check remark-math for more information.
MIT © Junyoung Choi
7 years ago