5.0.8 • Published 2 years ago

@kxtells/ol-geocoder v5.0.8

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Last release
2 years ago

OpenLayers Control Geocoder

A forked version from @kirtandesai ol-geocoder compatible with OpenLayers v7. Requires OpenLayers v3.11.0 or higher.

Mostly we had a broken production system and needed a fix for a while so we ended up publishing our own package

geocoder anim


You can see here a demo or on jsFiddle if you prefer. There is also a demo of creating a custom provider


The plugin supports (for now) the following providers:

Custom Providers

You can also write your own provider, passing an instance of it to the Geocoder constructor via the provider property of the options argument.

For an example of defining and using a custom provider see examples/custom-provider.js

Custom providers must implement the following methods:


  • options {Object}
    • query Search string entered by the user;
    • lang {string} Preferable language;
    • limit {number} Limit of results;


  • results {Object} Parsed JSON response from API call

How to use it?


npm install @kirtandesai/ol-geocoder

CDN Hosted - jsDelivr

Load CSS and Javascript:

<link href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@kirtandesai/ol-geocoder@latest/dist/ol-geocoder.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@kirtandesai/ol-geocoder"></script>
CDN Hosted - UNPKG

Load CSS and Javascript:

<link href="https://unpkg.com/@kirtandesai/ol-geocoder/dist/ol-geocoder.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@kirtandesai/ol-geocoder"></script>
Instantiate with some options and add the Control
const geocoder = new Geocoder('nominatim', {
  provider: 'mapquest',
  key: '__some_key__',
  lang: 'pt-BR', //en-US, fr-FR
  placeholder: 'Search for ...',
  targetType: 'text-input',
  limit: 5,
  keepOpen: true
Listen and do something when an address is chosen
geocoder.on('addresschosen', (evt) => {
  const feature = evt.feature;
  const coord = evt.coordinate;
  const address = evt.address;
  // some popup solution
  content.innerHTML = '<p>'+ address.formatted +'</p>';



new Geocoder(type, options)

  • type {String} - Maybe later we will have other types like 'reverse'. So for now just pass 'nominatim'.

  • options is an object with the following possible properties:

    • provider : 'osm' (default), 'mapquest', 'photon', 'pelias', 'bing', 'opencage', custom provider instance; Your preferable provider;
    • key : ''; API Key if required;
    • autoComplete : false; Search as you type;
    • autoCompleteMinLength: 2; The minimum number of characters to trigger search;
    • autoCompleteTimeout : 200; The mimimum number of ms to wait before triggering search if autoComplete is on and minimum number of characters is satisfied;
    • placeholder : 'Search for an address'; Placeholder for text input;
    • targetType : 'glass-button'; Can also be 'text-input';
    • featureStyle : ol.style.Style; Feature style;
    • lang : 'en-US'; Preferable language;
    • limit : 5; Limit of results;
    • countrycodes : ''; Only valid for osm and mapquest; Limit search results to a specific country (or a list of countries). This is an ISO 3166-1alpha2 code, e.g. gb for the United Kingdom, br for Brazil, etc;
    • keepOpen : false; Whether the results keep openned;
    • preventDefault : false; Whether panning (and creating marker) when an address is chosen;
    • debug : false; If true logs provider's response;

Instance Methods


Returns the layer {ol.layer.Vector} created by Geocoder control.


Returns the source {ol.source.Vector} created by Geocoder control.


@param {String} provider

Sets a new provider.


@param {String} key

Sets provider key.


Triggered when an address is chosen
geocoder.on('addresschosen', function(evt) {
  // it's up to you

2 years ago


2 years ago