1.0.0 • Published 3 years ago

@lambdadeltadot/cache-i v1.0.0

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3 years ago


A simple cache manager inspired by the one Laravel is using.


Using npm:

npm install @lambdadeltadot/cache-i

Using yarn:

yarn add @lambdadeltadot/cache-i


Currently, this package is expected to be used on engines that supports ES6 class.

Cache Manager

The cache manager stores the Cache implementations that will be used throughout your application.


You can use the shared cache manager instance by importing the package.

const manager = require('@lambdadeltadot/cache-i');

You can also create your own instance using @lambdadeltadot/cache-i/CacheManager.

const CacheManager = require('@lambdadeltadot/cache-i/CacheManager');
const manager = new CacheManager();


Below are the methods unique to CacheManager. The CacheManager also implements the ICache interface, it will just pass the call to the default registered instance.

getDefaultInstance ()

Get the default instance if it exists. Will get the first instance on the instance list if default instance key is not yet set.

  • Returns {ICache}
  • Throws {RangeError}: when the default key is not yet set and the list is empty
  • Throws {ReferenceError}: when the currently set default key does not exists
const defaultCache = manager.getDefaultInstance();
defaultCache.get('code', null);

getInstance (key)

Get the instance with the given key. If given key is null, returns the default instance.

  • Param {string} [key=null]: the key of the instance to get
  • Returns `{ICache}: the instance with the given key, or the default instance if given key is null
  • Throws {RangeError}: when instance list is empty and given key is null
  • Throws {ReferenceError}: when the given key is not null and that key does not exists on the list
const defaultCache = manager.getInstance();
defaultCache.getInstance('key', null);

const memoryCache = manager.getInstance('memory');
memoryCache.get('key', null);

isRegistered (key)

Checks if there is an instance already registered under the given key.

  • Param {string} key: the key to check
  • Returns {boolean}: true if there is an instance registered with given key, otherwise false
  • Throws {TypeError}: when given key is null
if (manager.isRegistered('memory')) {
  const memoryCache = manager.getInstance('memory');
  memoryCache.get('key', null);

registerInstance (key, instance)

Adds the given cache instance to the list. This will replace the existing instance if there is already an instance registered to the given key.

  • Param {string} key: the key where to register the given instance
  • Param {ICache} instance: the instance to be registered
  • Returns {this}
  • Throws {TypeError}: when the given key is null
manager.registerInstance('memory', new MemoryCache())
  .registerInstance('file', new FileCache());

setDefaultInstanceKey (key)

Sets the default instance key for this manager.

  • Param {null|string} key: the key to set as default, use null to use the first instance on the instance list
  • Returns {this}
  • Throws {ReferenceError}: when the setting key does not exists
manager.register('redis', new RedisCache())
  .get('key', null);

unregister (key)

Removes the cache instance with the given key from the list.

  • Param {string} key: the key to unregister
  • Returns {this}
  • Throws {TypeError}: when the given key is null


The interface for all Cache implementation.


As this is just an interface, you just need to create a class or object implementing the methods of this interface. You can also just implement the methods you think you will use.

class FileCache {
  add (key, value, ttl) {
    // add implementation here

  // other method implementation here

manager.register('file', new FileCache());
const memoryCache = {
  add (key, value, ttl) {
  	// add implementation here

  // other method implementation here

manager.register('memory', memoryCache);

Note that every method must return a Promise. You can also use async methods as they returns Promise.

class MemoryCache extends Cache {
  constructor () {
    this._cache = {};

  has (key) {
    return Promise.resolve(!!this._cache[key]);

  async missing (key) {
    return !this._cache[key];

Methods To Implement

Below are the methods of the ICache interface that you need to implement and their example usage.

add (key, value, ttl)

Saves the given value if the identifying key does not have a value yet.

  • Generic Type {T}: The type of the saving value.
  • Param {string} key: the unique key to identify the saving value
  • Param {T} value: the value to be saved
  • Param {number|Date} ttl: the time to live in milliseconds, or the date when the value will expire
  • Returns {Promise<boolean>}: a promise that resolves to true if key does not have a value yet and is successfully saved, or false if key already has value
cache.add('key', 'value', new Date(Date.now() + 60000))
  .then(added => console.log(added ? 'added' : 'already exists'));

cache.add('key', 'value', (Date.now() + 60000) / 1000)
  .then(added => console.log(added ? 'added' : 'already exists'));

decrement (key, amount)

Decrements the value on the cache with the given amount.

  • Param {string} key: the unique key to identify the saving value
  • Param {number} [amount=1]: the amount to decrement
  • Returns {Promise<number>}: a promise that resolves to the value after decrementing
  .then(newValue => console.log(newValue));

cache.decrement('key', 5)
  .then(newValue => console.log(newValue));

forever (key, value)

Saves the given value without expiration.

  • Generic Type {T}: The type of the saving value.
  • Param {string} key: the unique key to identify the saving value
  • Param {T} value: the value to be saved.
  • Returns {Promise<boolean>}: a promise that resolves to true if successfully saved, otherwise false
cache.forever('key', 'value')
  .then(success => console.log(success ? 'saved forever' : 'failed to save'));

forget (key)

Removes the value of the identifying key from the cache.

  • Param {string} key: the key identifying the value to remove
  • Returns {Promise<boolean>}: a promise that resolves to true if existing and successfully removed, or false if key already not in the cache
  .then(isRemoved => console.log(isRemoved ? 'exists and removed' : 'already forgotten'));

get (key, defaultValue)

Retrieves the value identified by the given key.

  • Generic Type {T}: The type of the resolved value.
  • Param {string} key: the key that identifies the value to retrieve
  • Param {T} [defaultValue]: the value to return in case the key doesn't have a value
  • Returns {Promise<T>}: a promise that resolves to the value retrieved, or the default value if key doesn't have a value
cache.get('key', null)
  .then(value => console.log(value === null ? 'this is the default value' : 'value retrieved'));

has (key)

Determines whether the key has value.

  • Param {string} key: the key to check
  • Returns {Promise<boolean>}: a promise that resolves to true if has value, otherwise false
  .then(exists => console.log(exists ? 'existing and not expired' : 'not existing or is expired'));

increment (key, value)

Increments the value on the cache with the given amount.

  • Param {string} key: the unique key to identify the saving value
  • Param {number} [amount=1]: the amount to increment
  • Returns {Promise<number>}: a promise that resolves to the value after incrementing
  .then(newValue => console.log(newValue));

cache.increment('key', 5)
  .then(newValue => console.log(newValue));

missing (key)

Determines whether the key doesn't have a value.

  • Param {string} key: the key to check
  • Returns {Promise<boolean>}: a promise that resolves to true if doesn't have a value, otherwise false
  .then(missing => console.log(missing ? 'not existing or is expired' : 'existing and not expired'));

pull (key, defaultValue)

Retrieves the value identified by the given key, then remove the value for that key on the cache.

  • Generic Type {T}: The type of the resolved value.
  • Param {string} key: the key that identifies the value to retrieve
  • Param {T} [defaultValue]: the value to return in case the key doesn't have a value
  • Returns {Promise<T>}: a promise that resolves to the value retrieved, or the default value if key doesn't have a value
cache.pull('key', null)
  .then(value => console.log(value === null ? 'this is the default value' : 'value retrieved'));

put (key, value, ttl)

Saves the given value to the cache. Overwrite if existing.

  • Generic Type {T}: The type of the saving value.
  • Param {string} key: the unique key to identify the saving value
  • Param {T} value: the value to be saved
  • Param {number|Date} ttl: the time to live in milliseconds, or the date when the value will expire
  • Returns {Promise<boolean>}: a promise that resolves to true if successfully saved, otherwise false
cache.put('key', 'value', new Date(Date.now() + 60000))
  .then(success => console.log(success ? 'successfully set' : 'failed to set');

cache.put('key', 'value', (Date.now() + 60000) / 1000)
  .then(success => console.log(success ? 'successfully set' : 'failed to set');

remember (key, ttl, generator)

Retrieve the value from the cache. If the key doesn't have a value, the generator function will be used to create the value to be saved on the cache with the given ttl. After saving, the generated value will be returned.

  • Generic Type {T}: The type of the retrieved or saved value.
  • Param {string} key: the unique key to identify the retrieving and saving value
  • Param {number|Date} ttl: the time to live in milliseconds or the date when the value will expire
  • Param {() => any} generator: the function used to generate the value to be saved
  • Returns {Promise<any>}: a promise that resolves to the retrieved value or the generated value
cache.remember('key', new Date(Date.now() + 60000), () => 'value')
  .then(value => console.log(value));

cache.remember('key', (Date.now() + 60000) / 1000, () => 'value')

rememberForever (key, generator)

Retrieve the value from the cache. If the key doesn't have a value, the generator function will be used to create the value to be saved on the cache forever. After saving, the generated value will be returned.

  • Generic Type {T}: The type of the retrieved or saved value.
  • Param {string} key: the unique key to identify the retrieving and saving value
  • Param {() => any} generator: the function used to generate the value to be saved
  • Returns {Promise<any>}: a promise that resolves to the retrieved value or the generated value
cache.rememberForever('key', () => 'value')
  .then(value => console.log(value));

cache.rememberForever('key', () => 'value')


npm run test


In lieu of a formal style guide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code.