0.1.0 • Published 3 months ago

@langchain/textsplitters v0.1.0

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Last release
3 months ago

🦜✂️ @langchain/textsplitters

This package contains various implementations of LangChain.js text splitters, most commonly used as part of retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) pipelines.


npm install @langchain/textsplitters @langchain/core


To develop the @langchain/textsplitters package, you'll need to follow these instructions:

Install dependencies

yarn install

Build the package

yarn build

Or from the repo root:

yarn build --filter=@langchain/textsplitters

Run tests

Test files should live within a tests/ file in the src/ folder. Unit tests should end in .test.ts and integration tests should end in .int.test.ts:

$ yarn test
$ yarn test:int

Lint & Format

Run the linter & formatter to ensure your code is up to standard:

yarn lint && yarn format

Adding new entrypoints

If you add a new file to be exported, either import & re-export from src/index.ts, or add it to the entrypoints field in the config variable located inside langchain.config.js and run yarn build to generate the new entrypoint.