0.0.3 • Published 1 year ago

@lastcall/tailwind-snowball v0.0.3

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Last release
1 year ago


TailwindCSS plugin that provides the ability to create components with their own color palettes, and also define component styles within tailwind config files.


Install the plugin from npm

# yarn
yarn add @lastcall/tailwind-snowball --dev


# npm
npm install -D @lastcall/tailwind-snowball

Then add the plugin to your tailwind.config.js file

// tailwind.config.js
module.exports = {
  theme: {
    // ...
  plugins: [


Add a snowball section to you tailwind config file. Each top level property name of snowball becomes a component (referred to as a "snowball").

Color Palettes

Each snowball has a color property, where individual color palettes are defined. By passing the theme function into your snowball property, you can easily reference colors that are defined within your config's color section.

// tailwind.config.js
module.exports = {
  theme: {
    colors: {
      primary: "#f44",
      secondary: "#2d2d2d",
      white: "#fff"
    snowball: ({ theme }) => ({
      // Name of component
      button: {
        // Start of individual color palettes
        color: {
          interface: {
            // Palette properties can be single value
            surface: theme("colors.primary"),
            // Or they can be objects themselves
            ink: {
              // The "DEFAULT" use the palette property only for variable
              // assignments. Ex: --button--color--ink
              DEFAULT: theme("colors.white"),
              // other properties will have variable assignments that include
              // the subproperty. Ex: --button--color--ink-interaction
              interaction: theme("colors.secondary")

This creates the following color palette component class:

.sb-button-palette-secondary {
  --button--color--surface: #f44;
  --button--color--ink: #fff;
  --button--color--ink-interaction: #2d2d2d;

Additional utility classes are created for each palette property that use the variable to assign color values, following Tailwind's color-based class conventions (prefixed by sb-${componentName}).

Some examples:

.sb-button_bg-surface {
  backgroundColor: var(--button--color--surface)
.sb-button_text-ink {
  color: var(--button--color--ink)
.hover\:sb-button_text-ink-interaction {
  color: var(--button--color--ink-interaction)

You can easily define multiple color palettes for components, and use the utility classes to automatically assign different colors based on the current palette.


<!-- Create a button using the "interface" palette defined above -->
<button class="sb-button-palette-interface sb-button_bg-surface">
  <span class="sb-button_text-ink hover:sb-button_text-ink-hover">Button Text</span>

<!-- Create a button using a different "cta" palette (not defined above) -->
<button class="sb-button-palette-cta sb-button_bg-surface">
  <span class="sb-button_text-ink hover:sb-button_text-ink-hover">Button Text</span>

Component Utilities

It's often useful to be able to define other component-specific utility values that can be referenced within a snowball. Things like spacing, font size, border radius, etc. In order to do this, you can simply add a utilities property to the current snowball, and then use the same configuration syntax that you normally would when setting values in theme or theme:extend.

Note: Not all utilities have been implemented yet. You can see the full list of supported utilities in the utilities property of the defined rulesets, seen here.


// tailwind.config.js
module.exports = {
  theme: {
    snowball: ({ theme }) => ({
      bio: {
        color: { /* ... */ },
        // Start of additional utilities.
        utility: {
          borderRadius: {
            inside: theme("borderRadius.sm"),
            outside: theme("borderRadius.lg")
<!-- Create a bio component utilizing the radiuses defined above -->
<div class="sb-bio sb-bio_rounded-outside">
  <img src="https://picsum.photos/200" class="sb-bio_rounded-inside">
  <div>Joe Smith</div>

Component Styles

In addition to the color property on each snowball, you can also define a styles property. Directly beneath the styles you can define variants of said style.


// tailwind.config.js
module.exports = {
  theme: {
    snowball: ({ theme }) => ({
      button2: {
        // Start of individual color palettes
        color: { /* ... */ },
        styles: {
          // Styles added under the "_" property are applied to all variants
          _: {
            borderRadius: theme("borderRadius.lg")
          // Using the "DEFAULT" property will create a component class `
          // Ex: .sb-button
          DEFAULT: {
            padding: theme("spacing.4")
          // Other variant names will be appended to the base component name
          expanded: {
            padding: theme("spacing.8"),

Produces the following components classes:

.sb-button {
  padding: 1rem;
  border-radius: 0.5rem;
.sb-button-expanded {
  padding: 2rem;
  border-radius: 0.5rem;

In general, these component styles can easily be added to HTML markup itself, but at times it can be able to apply styles without having to edit the markup with classes, etc.


1 year ago


1 year ago


1 year ago