1.0.0 • Published 5 years ago

@lchemist/semantic-release-monorepo v1.0.0

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Last release
5 years ago


Apply semantic-release's automatic publishing to monorepo packages. Forked from pmowrer/semantic-release-monorepo.

npm package semantic-release


  • Enable independent versioning on each monorepo package.
  • Generate independent release note & git tag for each monorepo package.
  • Allow a single GitHub repository to contain many npm packages.

Major Diff

This fork uses <PACKAGE_NAME>@<VERSION> as tag format and release note's version title (e.g. core@1.2.3).


npm install -D semantic-release @lchemist/semantic-release-monorepo

NOTE: semantic-release and @lchemist/semantic-release-monorepo must be accessible in each monorepo package. (Install both at root directory of monorepo if you use Lerna).


In release config file:

  "branch": "main",
  "extends": "@lchemist/semantic-release-monorepo"

With CLI:

semantic-release -e @lchemist/semantic-release-monorepo


This library modifies the context object passed to semantic-release plugins in the following way to make them compatible with a monorepo.

Instead of attributing all commits to a single package, commits are assigned to packages based on the files that a commit touched.

If a commit touched a file in or below a package's root, it will be considered for that package's next release. A single commit can belong to multiple packages and may trigger the release of multiple packages.

In order to avoid version collisions, generated git tags are namespaced using the given package's name: <package-name>@<version>.

analyzeCommitsFilters context.commits to only include the given monorepo package's commits.
generateNotesFilters context.commits to only include the given monorepo package's commits.Modifies context.nextRelease.version to use the monorepo git tag format. The wrapped (default) generateNotes implementation uses this variable as the header for the release notes. Since all release notes end up in the same Github repository, using just the version as a header introduces ambiguity.