1.3.0 ā¢ Published 2 years ago
@leetcoderoulette/roulette v1.3.0
Roulette class that returns a random value similar to a roulette table.
Using npm:
$ npm install @leetcoderoulette/roulette
note: CommonJS usage
In order to gain the TypeScript typings (for intellisense / autocomplete) while using CommonJS imports with require()
use the following approach:
const Roulette = require('@leetcoderoulette/roulette');
// Roulette.<method> will now provide autocomplete and parameter typings
Creating a new Roulette object and getting problems
const roulette = new Roulette(["Hello", "World"]);
const values = roulette.values; // Returns ["Hello", "World"]
const value = roulette.pop(); // Returns either "Hello" or "World"
Adding a new set
roulette.values = ["New", "Problems"];
const values = roulette.values; // Returns ["New", "Problems"]
Roulette API
A roulette object can be made by passing in an array of values to Roulette
Roulette(values, options?)
// Create a new Roulette object.
new Roulette(["value1", "value2"]);
Instance methods
The available instance methods are listed below.
get roulette.values()
set roulette.values(values)
Roulette includes TypeScript definitions and a type guard for roulette errors.
let roulette: Roulette<string> = new Roulette(["Hello", "World"]);
const values: string[] = roulette.values; // Returns ["Hello", "World"]
const value: string = roulette.pop(); // Returns "Hello" or "World"
roulette.values = ["New", "Problems"];
š¤ Contributing
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome. Feel free to check issues page if you want to contribute. Check the contributing guide.
š¤ Leetcode Roulette
- Website: Leetcode Roulette
š License
Copyright Ā© 2022 Leetcode Roulette. This project is MIT licensed.