@lethe0305/doc-repo v0.24.0
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is the base service of Choerodon to manage Document library based on SVN. Current version: 0.23.0-alpha.1
Through the integration of SVN, Apache, Mysql and LDAP, doc-repo-service integrates the relevant open source tools , to achieve the functions of document library creation, file directory creation, update, delete, document library permission management, integration of the pig toothed fish permission system, or using LDAP login, log monitoring, etc. After a little simple configuration, you'll get the smoothest development experience.
contains features as follows:
Document library server management
:manage, maintain and authorize the server to the projectDocument library management
:create a document library for the project on the authorization server, associate the existing document library, customize a new server, and create a document libraryDocument library directory management
:create directory, modify directory, delete directoryPermission management
:assign permission, update permission and delete permissionLog monitoring
:monitoring permission operation loghealth check
:check the health status of httpd and SVN servicesLDAP usage
:enable LDAP Based on the project layer, and use LDAP account to access the document library
is based on java8 - GitLab:
is used as code repository. At the same time,Continuous Integration
based onGitLab Runner
is used to complete code compilation, unit test execution, code quality analysis, docker image generation, helm chart packaging, service version releasing and other automated processes - Harbor: Enterprise Docker registry service for hosting the docker images for the service versions
- Kubernetes: Container orchestration management tool for deploying the helm chart packages corresponding to the service versions
- ChartMuseum: Helm Chart Repository server., which is used to store the helm chart package corresponding to the service versions
- Sonarqube: SonarQube empowers all developers to write cleaner and safer code for application services
- MySQL: one of the most popular relational databases, for data persistence of
- Redis: In-memory database for data caching and partial non-persistent data storage
- SVN:
is a free and open source version control system. - Apache2:Apache Server,integrating SVN and using HTTP protocol to access document library.
: Register server, in place ofeureka-server
:Platform Service,to operate user information and lov...choerodon-gateway
: Gateway servicechoerodon-oauth
: Oauth servicechoerodon-asgard
: Transaction consistency servicechoerodon-file
: File service
Service Configuration
:server: port: 8080 management: server: port: 8081 endpoints: web: exposure: include: '*' spring: profiles: active: default cloud: config: fail-fast: false enabled: ${SPRING_CLOUD_CONFIG_ENABLED:false} uri: ${SPRING_CLOUD_CONFIG_URI:http://dev.hzero.org:8010} retry: maxAttempts: 6 multiplier: 1.1 maxInterval: 2000 label: ${SPRING_CLOUD_CONFIG_LABEL:} eureka: instance: preferIpAddress: ${EUREKA_INSTANCE_PREFER_IP_ADDRESS:true} leaseRenewalIntervalInSeconds: 10 leaseExpirationDurationInSeconds: 30 metadata-map: VERSION: 1.2.0.RELEASE client: serviceUrl: defaultZone: ${EUREKA_DEFAULT_ZONE:http://localhost:8000/eureka/} registryFetchIntervalSeconds: 10 disable-delta: true
:spring: application: name: hrds_doc_repo datasource: url: ${SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL:jdbc:mysql://db.hzero.org:3306/hrds_doc_repo?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf-8&useSSL=false} username: ${SPRING_DATASOURCE_USERNAME:root} password: ${SPRING_DATASOURCE_PASSWORD:root} hikari: minimum-idle: ${SPRING_DATASOURCE_MINIMUM_IDLE:20} maximum-pool-size: ${SPRING_DATASOURCE_MAXIMUM_POOL_SIZE:200} connection-timeout: ${SPRING_DATASOURCE_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT:30000} redis: host: redis.hzero.org port: 6379 database: 1 jedis: pool: max-active: ${SPRING_REDIS_POOL_MAX_ACTIVE:50} max-idle: ${SPRING_REDIS_POOL_MAX_IDLE:50} max-wait: ${SPRING_REDIS_POOL_MAX_WAIT:5000} resources: cache.period: 3600 chain.gzipped: true chain.cache: true server: undertow: io-threads: ${SERVER_UNDERTOW_IO_THREADS:4} worker-threads: ${SERVER_UNDERTOW_WORKER_THREADS:128} buffer-size: ${SERVER_UNDERTOW_BUFFER_SIZE:1024} direct-buffers: true max-http-post-size: 10485760 allow-unescaped-characters-in-url: true feign: hystrix: enabled: true hystrix: threadpool: default: coreSize: 1000 maximumSize: 1000 command: default: execution: isolation: thread: timeoutInMilliseconds: ${HYSTRIX_COMMAND_TIMEOUT_IN_MILLISECONDS:40000} ribbon: ReadTimeout: ${RIBBON_READ_TIMEOUT:30000} ConnectTimeout: ${RIBBON_CONNECT_TIMEOUT:3000} OkToRetryOnAllOperations: true MaxAutoRetries: 1 MaxAutoRetriesNextServer: 1 file-service: ribbon: ReadTimeout: 60000 ConnectTimeout: 60000 base-service: ribbon: ReadTimeout: 60000 ConnectTimeout: 60000 mybatis: mapperLocations: classpath*:/mapper/**/*.xml , classpath*:/mapper/*.xml configuration: mapUnderscoreToCamelCase: true log-impl: org.apache.ibatis.logging.stdout.StdOutImpl logging: level: org.apache.ibatis: ${LOGGING_RDUDM:debug} io.choerodon: ${LOGGING_RDUDM:debug} org.hzero: ${LOGGING_RDUDM:debug} org.hrds.rdudm: ${LOGGING_RDUDM:debug} hzero: scheduler: autoRegister: false choerodon: category: enabled: true # 是否开启项目/组织类型控制 devops: message: true eureka: event: max-cache-size: 300 retry-time: 5 retry-interval: 3 skip-services: config**, **register-server, **gateway**, zipkin**, hystrix**, oauth** saga: consumer: enabled: true # 启动消费端1 thread-num: 2 # saga消息消费线程池大小 max-poll-size: 200 # 每次拉取消息最大数量 poll-interval-ms: 1000 # 拉取间隔,默认1000毫秒 schedule: consumer: enabled: true # 启用任务调度消费端 thread-num: 1 # 任务调度消费线程数 poll-interval-ms: 1000 # 拉取间隔,默认1000毫秒 cleanPermission: false ldap: url: ${LDAP_URL:ldap://ldap.hzero.org:389/dc=test,dc=com?sn?sub?(objectClass=*)} bindDN: ${LDAP_BIND_DN:cn=Manager,dc=hand-china,dc=com} bindPassword: ${LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD:test}
## Installation and Getting Started
1. create database `hrds_doc_repo`, create user `choerodon` and grant permission:
CREATE USER 'choerodon'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY "choerodon";
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON hrds_doc_repo.* TO choerodon@'%';
pull source code of
:git clone https://github.com/choerodon/doc-repo-service.git
Execute command in the project root directory:
sh init-database.sh
Run with the following commands or run
directly in the integrated environment:mvn clean spring-boot:run
Reporting Issues
If you find any shortcomings or bugs, please describe them in the issue.
How to Contribute
Pull requests are welcomed! Follow to know for more information on how to contribute.