4.0.0 • Published 5 years ago

@limetech/mdc-p2-menu-surface v4.0.0

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5 years ago

Menu Surface

The MDC Menu Surface component is a reusable surface that appears above the content of the page and can be positioned adjacent to an element. Menu Surfaces require JavaScript to properly position themselves when opening.

Design & API Documentation


npm install @limetech/mdc-p2-menu-surface


HTML Structure

<div class="mdc-menu-surface">


@import "@limetech/mdc-p2-menu-surface/mdc-menu-surface";

JavaScript Instantiation

import {MDCMenuSurface} from '@limetech/mdc-p2-menu-surface';

const menuSurface = new MDCMenuSurface(document.querySelector('.mdc-menu-surface'));

See Importing the JS component for more information on how to import JavaScript.


Anchors and Positioning

Anchored To Parent

The menu surface can be positioned to automatically anchor to a parent element when opened.

<div id="toolbar" class="toolbar mdc-menu-surface--anchor">
  <div class="mdc-menu-surface">

Anchor To Element Within Wrapper

The menu surface can be positioned to automatically anchor to another element, by wrapping the other element with the anchor class.

<div class="mdc-menu-surface--anchor">
  <button id="menu-surface-button">Open Menu Surface</button>
  <div class="mdc-menu-surface">

Fixed Position

The menu surface can use fixed positioning when being displayed.

<div class="mdc-menu-surface mdc-menu-surface--fixed">

Or in JS:

// ...

Absolute Position

The menu surface can use absolute positioning when being displayed. This requires that the element containing the menu has the position: relative style.

<div class="mdc-menu-surface">
// ...
menuSurface.setAbsolutePosition(100, 100);

Style Customization

CSS Classes

CSS ClassDescription
mdc-menu-surface--animating-openIndicates the menu surface is currently animating open. This class is removed once the animation completes.
mdc-menu-surface--openIndicates the menu surface is currently open, or is currently animating open.
mdc-menu-surface--animating-closedIndicates the menu surface is currently animating closed. This class is removed once the animation completes.
mdc-menu-surface--anchorUsed to indicate which element the menu should be anchored to.
mdc-menu-surface--fixedUsed to indicate that the menu is using fixed positioning.

Sass Mixins

mdc-menu-surface-ink-color($color)Sets the color property of the mdc-menu-surface.
mdc-menu-surface-fill-color($color)Sets the background-color property of the mdc-menu-surface.
mdc-menu-surface-shape-radius($radius, $rtl-reflexive)Sets the rounded shape to menu surface with given radius size. Set $rtl-reflexive to true to flip radius values in RTL context, defaults to false.

Constants & Types

Constant NameDescription
CornerEnum for representing an element corner for positioning the menu-surface. See constants.ts.
Type NameDescription
MDCMenuDimensionsWidth/height of an element. See types.ts.
MDCMenuDistanceMargin values representing the distance from anchor point that the menu surface should be shown. See types.ts.
MDCMenuPointX/Y coordinates. See types.ts.

MDCMenuSurface Properties and Methods

PropertyValue TypeDescription
openbooleanProxies to the foundation's isOpen/(open, close) methods.
quickOpenbooleanProxies to the foundation's setQuickOpen() method.
anchorElementElementGets or sets the element that the surface is anchored to, or null if the surface is not anchored. Defaults to the root element's parent mdc-menu-surface--anchor element if present.
Method SignatureDescription
setAnchorCorner(Corner) => voidProxies to the foundation's setAnchorCorner(Corner) method.
setAnchorMargin(Partial<MDCMenuDistance>) => voidProxies to the foundation's setAnchorMargin(Partial<MDCMenuDistance>) method.
setFixedPosition(isFixed: boolean) => voidAdds the mdc-menu-surface--fixed class to the mdc-menu-surface element. Proxies to the foundation's setIsHoisted() and setFixedPosition() methods.
setAbsolutePosition(x: number, y: number) => voidProxies to the foundation's setAbsolutePosition(x, y) method. Used to set the absolute x/y position of the menu on the page. Should only be used when the menu is hoisted to the body.
setMenuSurfaceAnchorElement(element: Element) => voidChanges the element used as an anchor for menu-surface positioning logic.
setIsHoisted() => voidProxies to the foundation's setIsHoisted method.
getDefaultFoundation() => MDCMenuSurfaceFoundationReturns the foundation.


Event NameDataDescription
MDCMenuSurface:closednoneEvent emitted after the menu surface is closed.
MDCMenuSurface:openednoneEvent emitted after the menu surface is opened.

Usage Within Frameworks

If you are using a JavaScript framework, such as React or Angular, you can create a Menu Surface for your framework. Depending on your needs, you can use the Simple Approach: Wrapping MDC Web Vanilla Components, or the Advanced Approach: Using Foundations and Adapters. Please follow the instructions here.


Method SignatureDescription
addClass(className: string) => voidAdds a class to the root element.
removeClass(className: string) => voidRemoves a class from the root element.
hasClass(className: string) => booleanReturns a boolean indicating whether the root element has a given class.
hasAnchor: () => booleanReturns whether the menu surface has an anchor for positioning.
notifyClose() => voidDispatches an event notifying listeners that the menu surface has been closed.
notifyOpen() => voidDispatches an event notifying listeners that the menu surface has been opened.
isElementInContainer(el: Element) => booleanReturns true if the el Element is inside the mdc-menu-surface container.
isRtl() => booleanReturns boolean indicating whether the current environment is RTL.
setTransformOrigin(value: string) => voidSets the transform origin for the menu surface element.
isFocused() => booleanReturns a boolean value indicating whether the root element of the menu surface is focused.
saveFocus() => voidStores the currently focused element on the document, for restoring with restoreFocus.
restoreFocus() => voidRestores the previously saved focus state, by making the previously focused element the active focus again.
getInnerDimensions() => MDCMenuDimensionsReturns an object with the items container width and height.
getAnchorDimensions() => ClientRect \| nullReturns an object with the dimensions and position of the anchor.
getBodyDimensions() => MDCMenuDimensionsReturns an object with width and height of the body, in pixels.
getWindowDimensions() => MDCMenuDimensionsReturns an object with width and height of the viewport, in pixels.
getWindowScroll() => MDCMenuPointReturns an object with the amount the body has been scrolled on the x and y axis.
setPosition(position: Partial<MDCMenuDistance>) => voidSets the position of the menu surface element.
setMaxHeight(value: string) => voidSets max-height style for the menu surface element.


Method SignatureDescription
setAnchorCorner(corner: Corner) => voidSets the corner that the menu surface will be anchored to. See constants.ts
setAnchorMargin(margin: Partial<MDCMenuDistance>) => voidSets the distance from the anchor point that the menu surface should be shown.
setIsHoisted(isHoisted: boolean) => voidSets whether the menu surface has been hoisted to the body so that the offsets are calculated relative to the page and not the anchor.
setFixedPosition(isFixed: boolean) => voidSets whether the menu surface is using fixed positioning.
setAbsolutePosition(x: number, y: number) => voidSets the absolute x/y position of the menu. Should only be used when the menu is hoisted or using fixed positioning.
handleBodyClick(event: MouseEvent) => voidMethod used as the callback function for the click event.
handleKeydown(event: KeyboardEvent) => voidMethod used as the callback function for the keydown events.
open() => voidOpens the menu surface.
close() => voidCloses the menu.
isOpen() => booleanReturns a boolean indicating whether the menu surface is open.
setQuickOpen(quickOpen: boolean) => voidSets whether the menu surface should open and close without animation when the open/close methods are called.