0.2.0 • Published 11 months ago

@liquify/papyrus v0.2.0

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11 months ago

𓁁 Papyrus

An embedded code editor with textarea enhancements leveraging PrismJS. Papyrus is a drop-in solution for code sample showcasing and offers syntax highlighting theme customizations.

Documentation + Custom Theming: papyrus.js.og


Papyrus was created to help alleviate some of cumbersome configuration incurred for showcasing code snippets in documentation and websites. PrismJS is dope and does dope shit, but I wanted something more flexible and integrated which provided basic editing capabilities.


Papyrus extends upon the default grammars provided by prism which allows for more control of syntax highlighting. It comes pre-packaged and supports only a small subset of languages common in font-end development and offers text editor capabilities out of the box along with highly customizable theming solution.


Papyrus is appropriating PrismJS grammars and neither modules are designed for high level edge cases but can perform consistently at around 5k~loc. If you require support for large files which exceed 5k~loc maybe choose Monaco, CodeMirror or Copenhagen.


Papyrus requires you to install PrismJS.

pnpm add @liquify/papyrus


Papyrus defaults to using the following options.

autoSavefalseSaves text edits to local storage between refreshes
editortrueEnable/Disable the text editor feature
indentSize2The size of indentation
indentCharnoneThe indentation character, also accepts tab or space
input''The input code, fallbacks to <code> inner HTML
languagenullThe language id, fallbacks to <code> class name reference
lineHighlighttrueWhether or not to highlight lines
lineIndenttrueWhether or not to preserve indentation levels on newlines
lineNumberstrueWhether or not to show line numbers
locLimit1500The maximum lines of code to allow
showSpacefalseShow invisible whitespace characters
showTabfalseShow invisible tab characters
showCRLFfalseShow invisible LF + CR character combinator sequences
showLFfalseShow invisible LF (newline) characters
showCRfalseShow invisible CR (carriage return) characters
spellcheckfalseAllow spellchecking in the text editor
tabIndentfalseAllow tab indentation on selections
trimStarttrueStrip leading extraneous newlines and whitespace
trimEndtrueStrip ending extraneous newlines and whitespace


The module acts a wrapper around PrismJS and aims to make the applied syntax highlighting as simple as possible. There are 3 different distribution bundles available depending on how you wish to invoke and use Papyrus. You can leverage attributes to customizing the applied highlighting operations using data-papyrus-* annotations or alternatively use the default function on the export namespace.

    <link href="papyrus.css" rel="stylesheet">
    <script src="papyrus.js"></script>

    <pre class="papyrus">
      <code class="language-liquid">
        {{ object.prop }}

    <pre class="papyrus">
      <code class="language-js">
       const foo = () => console.log('bar');


You would initialize Papyrus and have all the above code regions apply highlighting using the options provided. Code regions which contain attributes instruct Papyrus to adhere to the options passed.

import papyrus from 'papyrus';

// Applies the following options to all instances
const code = papyrus({
  autoSave: true,
  editor: false,
  indentChar: 'none',
  indentSize: 2,
  input: '',
  language: null,
  lineHighlight: true,
  lineIndent: true,
  lineNumbers: true,
  locLimit: 1500,
  tabIndent: false,
  spellcheck: false,
  showCRLF: false,
  showSpace: false,
  showCR: false,
  showLF: false,
  showTab: false,
  trimEnd: true,
  trimStart: true

code[0].enable() // activate editor mode

The mount import returns an instance which allow you to work with the code regions. This is the manual equivalent of calling the default papyrus() method.

import papyrus from 'papyrus';

const p = papyrus.mount(document.querySelector('pre'), {
  autoSave: true,
  editor: false,
  indentChar: 'none',
  indentSize: 2,
  input: '',
  language: null,
  lineHighlight: true,
  lineIndent: true,
  lineNumbers: true,
  locLimit: 1500,
  tabIndent: false,
  spellcheck: false,
  showCRLF: false,
  showSpace: false,
  showCR: false,
  showLF: false,
  showTab: false,
  trimEnd: true,
  trimStart: true

p.language: Languages;   // The Language Name as per the `class="language-xxx"`

readonly p.lines: number;                     // The number of lines
readonly p.pre: HTMLPreElement;               // The HTML `<pre>` element
readonly p.code: HTMLElement;                 // The HTML `<code>` element
readonly p.textarea: HTMLTextAreaElement;     // The HTML `<textarea>` element
readonly p.raw: string;                       // The raw string of the `textarea`


// Update the input, optionally provide a language id to change the language mode.
p.update(input: string, language?: Languages): void

// Disable editor mode, makes code input readonly
p.disable(): void

// Enable editor, makes code editable
p.enable(): void


The default export exposes the following methods:

import papyrus from 'papyrus';

// BROWSER ONLY - Highlight/activate editor mode
papyrus(options?: {})

// Potion Theming

// Editor Mode - BROWSER ONLY
papyrus.mount(element: HTMLPreElement, options?: {})

// Highlight string
papyrus.highlight(code: string, options?: {})

11 months ago


1 year ago