1.0.7 • Published 2 years ago

@locatrics/theme-provider v1.0.7

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Last release
2 years ago

Styleguide utility module.

Works as a Single-Spa Utility Module

Contains global theme provider and certain reusable UI-components available to all micro-frontends


Start app locally - npm start
Build sources and types - npm run build
Build sources - npm run build:webpack Build types - npm run build:types
Run linter - npm run lint
Run tests - npm run test
Collect tests coverage - npm run coverage


  1. Create working utility module
  2. Configure typescript, eslint, webpack
  3. Make it visible to other micro-frontends via external modules declaration
  4. Create separate package containing reusable types/interfaces exposed by this utility
  5. Create CI/CD process:
    1. With ability to update of shared import-map
    2. With ability to update types package