1.0.4 • Published 3 years ago

@losttracker/s3-uploader v1.0.4

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3 years ago



A node.js module to upload files to your S3 bucket. It also allows upload of files compressed using Pako after decompressing


npm install @losttracker/s3-uploader


const s3Uploader = require('@losttracker/s3-uploader');

const awsCredentials = {
  "region" : "us-west-2",
  "accessKeyId" : "access_key_id",
  "secretAccessKey" : "secret_access_key",
const bucket = 'fileuploads_bucket';

// to change file name or edit path. See uploadUrlGen below to know the list of
// parameters passed to method
const uploadUrlGen = (params) => {
  return 'trial_up/' + params.fields.formDataParam + params.filename;

const uploadDetails = await s3Uploader({request: req, bucket, awsCredentials, uploadUrlGen});


The module returns a promise. The result is an array of responses from S3 upon successful file uploads.

S3-uploader method

The method accepts an object with the following keys: | Name | Type | Parameters/Properties | Description | |-----------|---------|-----------------------------|-------------| | Request | Object | - | The incoming request object| |s3_instance | | - | You can create an s3 instance using the aws-sdk and pass it as a parameter | |awsCredential | Object | region, accessKeyId, secretAccessKey | The object must contain valid credentials required to connect to S3 instance | | bucket | string | - | Valid S3 Bucket to upload the file to | | mimeFilter | Method | (mimetype, file_extension) <Return:bool> | A method that will be passed mime and file extension. Can be used to filter files and stop upload progress. Return < True > when file is supported. | | compressed | boolean | - | If using pako to compress. Default: false. | | compressionRatio | number (1-9) | - | If using Pako, compression ratio to be used. Default: 1. | | uploadUrlGen | Method | ({fields**, mimetype, bucket, filename}) <Returns: string> | This method can be used to programatically calculate the key to upload files to in your S3 bucket | | maxSize | number | - | The maximum file size that can be uploaded. Default: null (unlimited) | | s3UploadParams | Object | - | Any additional settings to be passed to the s3.upload method while uploading. Example: Metadata. For more information see: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/latest/AWS/S3.html#upload-property | | busboyParams | Object | - | Any additional settings to be passed to the busboy constructor. Example: HWM. For more information see: https://www.npmjs.com/package/busboy#busboy-methods |

* Any one of these 2 parameters is necessary

**it contains the parameters appended to formdata as an object

Please contact me on yuvraj2112@gmail.com for any suggestions!


3 years ago


3 years ago


3 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago