1.0.1 • Published 5 years ago
@lubowiecki/node-translate v1.0.1
Helper tool for generating translation files that works with ngx-translate
Generate translations
Find all translation keys in 'app' and 'domain' folders and generate translation files
translate build --source=\"./src/{app,domain}/**/*+(.ts|.html)\" --langs=pl --langs=en
Define translation keys
in TypeScript
Every translation key needs to match RegExp which means also that it needs to be used insinde of methods translate\$ or instant
If translate\$ or instant methods can't be used, wrap translation key in translation marker 't'
const a = t('A.B.C');
Every translatio key needs to match RegExp which means also that it needs to pass through 'translate' pipe
<div [value]="'J' | async | name | translate"></div>
<div value="{{ 'J.J' | getName: {a: '1'} | translate }}"></div>
<div value="{{ 'J.J.J' | translate: {name: 'Jan'} }}"></div>
Default config
"inputPath": "./src/app/**/*+(.ts|.html)",
"outputTranslatorPath": "./src/translations/for-the-translator/",
"outputAppPath": "./src/assets/i18n/",
"outputInterfaceFile": "./src/translations/translations.ts",
"outputTranslationKeyTypeFile": "./src/translations/translation-key.ts",
"outputMarkerFile": "./src/translations/translation-marker.ts",
"langs": ["pl"]