1.0.3 • Published 2 years ago

@lukesmurray/zustand-lens v1.0.3

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2 years ago


Lens support for zustand.

With this package you can easily create sub-stores inside main store.

A lens is a pair of functions set and get which have same signatures as zustand's functions, but they operate only on a particular slice of main state.

A quick comparison:

import create from "zustand";
import { lens } from "@dhmk/zustand-lens";

create((set, get) => {
  // write and read whole state

  return {
    subStore: lens((subSet, subGet) => {
      // write and read `subStore` state


npm install @dhmk/zustand-lens@next


import { create } from 'zustand'
import { withLenses, lens } from '@dhmk/zustand-lens'

// set, get - global
const useStore = create(withLenses((set, get, api) => {
  return {
    // set, get - only for storeA
    storeA: lens((set, get) => ({
      data: ...,

      action: (arg) => set({data: arg})

    // set, get - only for storeB
    storeB: lens((set, get) => ({
      data: ...,

      action: (arg) => set({data: arg})

    globalStore: {
      data: ...,

      action: () => set({...}) // global setter


withLenses(config: (set, get, api) => T): T

Middleware function.

It calls config function with the same args as the default zustand's create function and then converts returned object expanding all lens instances to proper objects.

lens(fn: (set, get) => T): T

Creates a lens object.

It calls provided function with two arguments: set and get. These two functions write and read a subset of global state relative to a place where lens is appeared.

Setter has this signature: (value: Partial<T> | ((prev: T) => Partial<T>), replace?: boolean, ...args) => void. It passes unknown arguments to a top-level set function.

WARNING: you should not use return value of this function in your code. It returns opaque object that is transformed into a real object by withLenses function.

Also, you can use type helper if you want to separate your function from lens wrapper:

type MenuState = {
  isOpened: boolean;


// `set` and `get` are typed
const menuState: Lens<MenuState> = (set, get) => ({
  isOpened: false,

  toggle(open) {
    set({ isOpened: open });

const menuSlice = lens(menuState);

createLens(set, get, path: string | string[]): [set, get]

Creates explicit lens object.

It takes set and get arguments and path and returns a pair of setter and getter which operates on a subset of parent state relative to path. You can chain lenses. Also, you can use this function as standalone, without withLenses middleware.

import { create } from "zustand";
import { createLens } from "@dhmk/zustand-lens";

const useStore = create((set, get) => {
  const lensA = createLens(set, get, "a");
  const lensB = createLens(...lensA, "b");
  const [setC] = createLens(...lensB, "c");

  return {
    a: {
      b: {
        c: {
          value: 111,

    changeValue: (value) => setC({ value }),


a: {
  b: {
    c: {
      value: 222


type Store = {
  id: number;
  name: string;

  nested: Nested;

type Nested = {
  text: string;
  isOk: boolean;


// option 1: type whole store
const store1 = create<Store>(
  withLenses(() => ({
    id: 123,
    name: "test",

    nested: lens((set) => ({
      text: "test",
      isOk: true,

      toggle() {
        set((p /* Nested */) => ({ isOk: !p.isOk }));

// option 2: type lens
const store2 = create(
  withLenses(() => ({
    id: 123,
    name: "test",

    nested: lens<Nested>((set) => ({
      text: "test",
      isOk: true,

      toggle() {
        set((p /* Nested */) => ({ isOk: !p.isOk }));


Immer is supported out-of-the-box. You just need to type the whole store. There is one caveat, however. Draft's type will be T and not Draft<T>. You can either add it yourself, or just don't use readonly properties in your type.

// zustand v4 includes immer middleware
import { immer } from "zustand/middleware/immer";

// use curried `create`, see: https://github.com/pmndrs/zustand#typescript-usage
const store = create<Store>()(
    withLenses(() => ({
      id: 123,
      name: "test",

      nested: lens((set) => ({
        text: "test",
        isOk: true,

        toggle() {
          set((p /* Nested */) => {
            p.isOk = !p.isOk;

2 years ago


2 years ago


2 years ago