3.0.4 • Published 5 months ago

@maggioli-design-system/mds-img v3.0.4

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Last release
5 months ago


This is a web-component from Maggioli Design System Magma, built with StencilJS, TypeScript, Storybook. It's based on the web-component standard and it's designed to be agnostic from the JavaScirpt framework you are using.


altaltSpecifies an alternate text for an imagestring''
crossorigincrossoriginAllow images from third-party sites that allow cross-origin access to be used with canvas"anonymous" \| "use-credentials" \| undefined'use-credentials'
heightheightThe height attribute specifies the height of an image, in pixels.string \| undefinedundefined
loadingloadingSpecifies whether a browser should load an image immediately or to defer loading of images until some conditions are met."eager" \| "lazy" \| undefined'lazy'
referrerpolicyreferrerpolicySpecifies which referrer information to use when fetching an image."no-referrer" \| "no-referrer-when-downgrade" \| "origin" \| "origin-when-cross-origin" \| "unsafe-url" \| undefined'no-referrer-when-downgrade'
sizessizesOne or more strings separated by commas, indicating a set of source sizes. https://medium.com/@MRWwebDesign/responsive-images-the-sizes-attribute-and-unexpected-image-sizes-882a2eadb6dbstring \| undefinedundefined
srcsrcSpecifies the path to the imagestringundefined
srcsetsrcsetSpecifies a list of image files to use in different situations. Defines multiple sizes of the same image, allowing the browser to select the appropriate image source.string \| undefinedundefined
srcsetConsumptionsrcset-consumptionSpecifies a list of image files to use in different situations. Defines multiple sizes of the same image, allowing the browser to select the appropriate image source based on consumption configuration. <mds-img srcset-consumption="image-black-n-white-1x.jpg low, image-1x.jpg medium, image-2x.jpg high"></mds-img>string \| undefinedundefined
widthwidthThe width attribute specifies the width of an image, in pixels.string \| undefinedundefined


mdsImgLoadErrorEmits when the image is not loadedCustomEvent<MdsImgEventDetail>
mdsImgLoadSuccessEmits when the image is successfully loadedCustomEvent<MdsImgEventDetail>

Shadow Parts



Used by

Depends on


graph TD;
  mds-img --> mds-icon
  mds-img --> mds-text
  mds-img --> mds-button
  mds-button --> mds-spinner
  mds-button --> mds-icon
  mds-button --> mds-text
  mds-avatar --> mds-img
  mds-file-preview --> mds-img
  mds-push-notification --> mds-img
  style mds-img fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px

Built with love @ Gruppo Maggioli from R&D Department