1.6.1 • Published 3 years ago

@massimo-cassandro/sharing-links v1.6.1

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Last release
3 years ago


A quick and customizable sharing links builder (Massimo Cassandro, 2020)

Demo: https://massimo-cassandro.github.io/sharing-links/test

sharing-links is an ultra-light and easily customizable tool to add sharing links to a web page.

The sum of css and js sizes is about 6.5 - 7 kb, and less than 3 kb if gzipped.


You can add sharing-links to your project using npm:

npm i --save @massimo-cassandro/sharing-links

As a dependency package, my m-utilities will be installed too.


First, you need to add the required Open Graph tags to your page, you can use an online tool to configure them, such as https://metatags.io/.

Then, to activate sharing-links you have to:

  • add a .sharing-links element in the position you would like the sharing buttons to be displayed:
<div class="sharing-links"></div>
  • import the js module defining, at least, the buttons you need to activate:
import sharing_links from '/path/to/sharing-links.js';

(() => {
  'use strict';
    sharing: ['fb', 'twt', 'linkedin', 'wa'],
  • import the _sharing-links.scss file in your sass file, customizing some parameter if needed (alternatively, you can use the compiled css file located in the test directory):
$sharing-links-justify-content: flex-end;
@import 'path/to/sharing-links';

You can have multiple sets of sharing buttons on the same page (all with the same configuration) by simply adding multiple .sharing-links elements.

Check out https://massimo-cassandro.github.io/sharing-links/test and the files within the test directory for a live example.

JS setup

sharing-links must be imported as a module and therefore explicitly invoked, setting the list of desired sharing buttons via the sharing parameter (empty array by default).

The insertion order determines the display order. For example, if you only need Twitter and Facebook, and you want Twitter to be the first, you have to write:

    sharing: ['twt', 'fb']

Actually, four sharing links are availble: Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin and Whatsapp.

I'm planning to add more sharing links (see Todo paragraph at the end of readme), but pull requests would be appreciated (otherwise you can ask for them posting an issue).

You can use both full name or shortcuts for sharing items:

  • fb or facebook
  • lnk or lnkd or linkedin
  • tw or twt or twitter
  • wa or whatsapp

Sharing item strings are case insensitive.

Two other parameters can be set:

  • title: the string used for the title attribute of the<a>tag. It must contain the placeholder [[NAME]] which will be replaced with the name of the share link. The default is "Condividi su [NAME]" (Italian).

  • size: sets the size of the share buttons. You can choose between std (default) orsmall. The dimensions of each dimension can be set in the scss file (see below).

If you want to have multiple sets of buttons with different sizes on the same page, you can set the size of each through the data-size attribute:

<!-- use the dimension defined in the `size` parameter -->
<div class="sharing-links"></div> 

<!-- force to use the 'small' size -->
<div class="sharing-links" data-size="small"></div> 

<!-- specific url -->
<div class="sharing-links" data-url="https://example.com"></div> 

You can also add a classic share icon before all otner icons setting the share_icon parameter to true (default).

Summing up:

  • if you doesn't define any size parameter the default one (std) will be used
  • if you define a size parameter while invoking the function, it will be used in all istances of .sharing-links elements
  • if there is a data-size attribute (and its value exists in the CSS) the concerned element (and only that) will be sized accordingly.
  • if there is a data-url attribute, its value is used for sharing. Urls can be specified within the options object too (NB: if both are present, dataset value prevails)
  • add a share icon setting the share_icon parameter to true (default)

In addition, you can add custom sizes to your css, see the next section for details.

A complete example:

import sharing_links from 'path/to/sharing-links.js';

(() => {
  'use strict';
    sharing: ['twt', 'fb', 'linkedin', 'WA', 'skype', 'teams'],
    title: 'Share on [[NAME]]',
    preview: true,
    size: 'std',
    share_icon: true,
    url: 'http://someurl.com',  // <== if present is used for sharing (default null)
    remove_url_parameters: []


  • preview (where supported, MS teams only) allows you to specify if url preview must be displayed (default true)
  • remove_url_parameters: array of query string keys to be removed from page url (removes values too, default: empty array)
  • share_icon: see below

SCSS setup

As a basic setup, you'll only need to import the _sharing-links.scss file:

@import 'path/to/sharing-links';

But to customize your buttons, you have to change the values of some scss variables:


This parameter allows to change color and icons of sharing buttons:

$sharing-links-items: (
  fb: (
    bg: #39579a,
    fg: #fff,
    icon: $sharing-links-facebook
  twt: (
    bg: #1da1f2,
    fg: #fff,
    icon: $sharing-links-twitter
  lnkd: (
    bg: #006699,
    fg: #fff,
    icon: $sharing-links-linkedin
  wa: (
    bg: #25d466,
    fg: #fff,
    icon: $sharing-links-whatsapp

$share_icon_fill: #666;

You can change the background (bg) and foreground (fg) color of each button or set a different svg icon, and also completely remove unused items to reduce the size of your css.

If the js share_icon parameter is enabled, you can set the share icon color using the$share_icon_fill variable. Set it to "false" if you don't need the share icon, to generate a smaller CSS.

This variable has no effect if the js share_icon parameter is set to false.


This variable allows you to change the dimension of predefined sizes:

$sharing-links-sizes: (
  std: 42px,
  small: 28px

You can also remove the small size (the std one is required) or add new ones.

In the test page you can find two more sizes besides the default ones:

$sharing-links-sizes: (
  std: 42px,
  small: 28px,
  big: 54px,
  xl: 4rem


sharing-links uses flexbox to display the buttons. They are centered by default, but you can change this setting thru the $sharing-links-justify-content variable:

$sharing-links-justify-content: center;

On-demand activation

By default, sharing-links is applied to all .sharing-links elements, but you can render all icon buttons on-demand using the create_sharing_links function:

import {create_sharing_links} from 'path/to/sharing-links.js'

const options = {
  sharing: ['twt', 'fb', 'linkedin', 'WA', 'skype', 'teams'],
  title: 'Share on [[NAME]]',
  preview: true,
  size: 'std',
  share_icon: true,
  remove_url_parameters: []
create_sharing_links(document.getElementById('my-container'), options);

The options parameter can be omitted (default parameters will be used);

Tools and references



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