1.3.5 โ€ข Published 2 years ago

@mateie/discord-modals v1.3.5

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Last release
2 years ago

This package was modified by Mateie, credit goes to it's original creator

A package that allows your discord.js v13 and v14 bot to create, and interact with Modals, a new Discord feature.

๐Ÿ”Ž Installation

npm install discord-modals
yarn add discord-modals

๐Ÿ”ฎ What is this package for?

Recently, Discord API officialy announced Modal Interactions.

What is that? Modal is a popup of Text Input Components [Example]. It's so cool and useful for many commands that needs arguments. However, discord.js hasn't added it yet. Discord-Modals can be a solution if you want to test or use Modals right now. Supports discord.js v13 and v14. Try it!

โœจ Setup

The most recommended is to put this on your main file.

const { Client } = require('discord.js') // Get the Client class
const client = new Client({ intents: 32767 }) // Create a Discord Client
const discordModals = require('discord-modals') // Define the discord-modals package!
discordModals(client); // discord-modals needs your client in order to interact with modals

client.login('token') // Login with your bot

Important: Don't forget to put discordModals(client), will be essential to receive the Modal Submit Interaction.

โ“ How can i use it?

First of all, we need to understand that Modals and Text Input Components are completely different. Modals is a popup that shows the text input components and text input are the components of modals. To understand better, you can explore the Discord API Documentation here.

Modals have:

  • A Title.
  • A Custom Id.
  • Components (Text Input)

Text Inputs have:

  • A Custom Id
  • A Style (Short or Paragraph)
  • A Label
  • A minimum length
  • A maximum length
  • A value (A prefilled value if there is not text)
  • And...a place holder

If you have understood this, you can continue on "Examples" section.

๐Ÿ“œ Examples

If you are ready, take this examples.

  • First, we are going to create a Modal.
const { Modal } = require('discord-modals') // Modal class

const modal = new Modal() // We create a Modal
.setTitle('Test of Discord-Modals!')

This is a basic structure of a Modal, but something is missing. Yeah! Text Input components.

  • We are going to create and add a Text Input Component to the Modal.
const { Modal, TextInputComponent } = require('discord-modals') // Modal and TextInputComponent class

const modal = new Modal() // We create a Modal
.setTitle('Test of Discord-Modals!')
  new TextInputComponent() // We create a Text Input Component
  .setLabel('Some text Here')
  .setStyle('SHORT') //IMPORTANT: Text Input Component Style can be 'SHORT' or 'LONG'
  .setPlaceholder('Write a text here')
  .setRequired(true) // If it's required or not

Yay! We have the full Modal & Text Input Component, but... How can i send/show a Modal?

  • We are going to use the showModal() method to send the modal in an interaction.
const { Modal, TextInputComponent, showModal } = require('discord-modals') // Now we extract the showModal method

const modal = new Modal() // We create a Modal
.setTitle('Test of Discord-Modals!')
  new TextInputComponent() // We create a Text Input Component
  .setLabel('Some text Here')
  .setStyle('SHORT') //IMPORTANT: Text Input Component Style can be 'SHORT' or 'LONG'
  .setPlaceholder('Write a text here')
  .setRequired(true) // If it's required or not

client.on('interactionCreate', (interaction) => {
  // Let's say the interaction will be a Slash Command called 'ping'.
  if(interaction.commandName === 'ping'){
    showModal(modal, {
      client: client, // Client to show the Modal through the Discord API.
      interaction: interaction // Show the modal with interaction data.

Congrats! You show the Modal to the Interaction User. Now, how can i receive the Modal Interaction?

๐Ÿ“ข Events: Receiving Modal Submit Interaction

  • discord-modals integrates to your Client a new event called modalSubmit. We are going to use it.
  • To have access to the responses, just use the .getTextInputValue() method with the Custom Id of the Text Input Component.

Recommendation: Put your modalSubmit event on your main file or in an Event Handler.

Reply Examples

  • Usual Reply:
const { Formatters } = require('discord.js');

client.on('modalSubmit', async (modal) => {
  if(modal.customId === 'modal-customid'){
    const firstResponse = modal.getTextInputValue('textinput-customid')
    modal.reply('Congrats! Powered by discord-modals.' + Formatters.codeBlock('markdown', firstResponse))
  • Ephemeral Reply:
const { Formatters } = require('discord.js');

client.on('modalSubmit', async (modal) => {
  if(modal.customId === 'modal-customid'){
    const firstResponse = modal.getTextInputValue('textinput-customid')
    await modal.deferReply({ ephemeral: true })
    modal.followUp({ content: 'Congrats! Powered by discord-modals.' + Formatters.codeBlock('markdown', firstResponse), ephemeral: true })

And you made it! I hope this examples help you :)

Final Result

๐Ÿ“š Documentation

  • Check our documentation here.

๐Ÿ”จ Developers

  • ใ€Ž๐‘ด๐’‚๐’•๐’†๐’แต—แต‰แตใ€#9999

โ›” Issues/Bugs?

Please report it on our GitHub Repository here to fix it inmmediately. Or contact ใ€Ž๐‘ด๐’‚๐’•๐’†๐’แต—แต‰แตใ€#9999 on Discord.