0.0.11 • Published 3 years ago
@mathewjordan/hydroponic v0.0.11
hydroponic :seedling:
IIIF Collection grow kit for @samvera/bloom-iiif.
Define new collection structure
const instance = {
id: "https://published.uri/for/the/collection.json",
label: { none: ["My Curated Collection"] },
summary: { none: ["A short summary of this collection, optionally."] },
homepage: [
id: "https://published.homepage/for/the/collection",
type: "Text",
label: { none: "An optional homepage for this collection." },
format: "text/html",
const items = [
{id: "https://manifest.id/uri.json"},
{id: "https://manifest.id/uri.json", href: "https://optional.id/for/this/items/homepage/entry"},
{id: "https://manifest.id/uri.json"},
{id: "https://collection.id/uri.json"},
{id: "https://manifest.id/uri.json"},
{id: "https://manifest.id/uri.json"}
Grow your Bloom ready IIIF Collection
const hydroponic = new Hydroponic();
const collection = hydroponic.grow(instance, items);
// `collection` now can be written to file or screen for use.
Constructed JSON Shape
IIIF Presentation API 3.0 Collection
- @context: "http://iiif.io/api/presentation/3/context.json"
- type: "Collection"
- id: string
- label: InternationalString
- summary: InternationalString (optional)
- homepage: ExternalResource[] (optional)
- items[]:
- type: "Manifest" | "Collection"
- id: string
- label: InternationalString
- summary: InternationalString (optional)
- homepage: ExternalResource[] (optional)
- thumbnail: ContentResource[] (optional)