0.1.0 • Published 28 days ago

@matthiesenxyz/astro-mcserverstatus v0.1.0

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Last release
28 days ago


Astro components and helper functions to get your minecraft server displayed on your astro SSR website!



  • Astro SSR project with an Adapter Setup* (This will be changed later once non SSR components are added)


Install the integration automatically using the Astro CLI:

pnpm astro add @matthiesenxyz/astro-mcserverstatus
npx astro add @matthiesenxyz/astro-mcserverstatus
yarn astro add @matthiesenxyz/astro-mcserverstatus

Or install it manually:

  1. Install the required dependencies
pnpm add @matthiesenxyz/astro-mcserverstatus
npm install @matthiesenxyz/astro-mcserverstatus
yarn add @matthiesenxyz/astro-mcserverstatus
  1. Add the integration to your astro config
+import mcServerStatus from "@matthiesenxyz/astro-mcserverstatus";

export default defineConfig({
  integrations: [
+    mcServerStatus({
+        serverAddress: "your.serverip.here",
+        serverPort: 25565 //OPTIONAL - Default is: `25565`
+    }),

Basic Usage

This integration has multiple ways to use it. Currently this integration is only supported while output: "server" is enabled in your astro config* (Until Static compatible components are released)

Once you have the server details configured in your astro project you can now use the components from the virtual module!

Example usage:

// src/pages/index.astro (without a Layout defined)
import { ServerIcon, ServerBanner, OnlinePlayerList } from "astro-mcserverstatus:components/ssr"
import { getServerIcon } from "astro-mcserverstatus:components/api"

const favicon = await getServerIcon()
		<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
		<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
		<link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href={favicon}>
			<h2>Server Icon without Banner</h2>
			<ServerIcon />

			<h2>Server Banner</h2>

			<h3>Online Player List</h3>
			<OnlinePlayerList />


This package is structured as a monorepo:

  • playground contains code for testing the package
  • package contains the actual package

Install dependencies using pnpm:

pnpm i --frozen-lockfile

Start the playground and package watcher:

pnpm dev

You can now edit files in package. Please note that making changes to those files may require restarting the playground dev server.


MIT Licensed. Made with ❤️ by Adam Matthiesen.