1.0.3 • Published 28 days ago

@meiko/sortter-resellers-web-component v1.0.3

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28 days ago

Sortter Resellers Web Component

The sortter-reseller-form-web-component is a custom web component designed to integrate seamlessly with Sortter Affiliates. Built using Lit, this component allows you to easily embed Sortter's loan application form into your website or application. Installation

You can load the script in directly in your html

<script type="module" src="< path-to-the-script-file >"></script>


To use the Sortter Form Web Component, you can include the tag in your HTML code, along with attributes to customize the form according to your needs.

  alternativeUrl="string | null"
  b2cUrl="string | null"
  b2bUrl="string | null"
  defaultLoanType="personal | corporate"
  stage="test | null"
  theme="'custom || Sortter || '' "
  type="both | personal | corporate"

Available Attributes

  • alternativeUrl: If redirect does not work and you want to use alternative location, define alternative Url. Defaults to redirectUrl.
  • b2cUrl: Url redirect to business to customer link. This is defined by default, but it can be overwritten if needed.
  • b2bUrl: Url redirect to business to business link. This is defined by default, but it can be overwritten if needed.
  • defaultLoanType: This atttribute works only when "type" attribute is set to value "both". It defines which loan type will be shown first by default.
  • privacyPolicyUrl: URL to your privacy policy page.
  • privacyPolicyText: Text to display for the privacy policy link.
  • splashLogo: URL to the splash logo image that will be displayed at the splash screen.
  • stage: use 'test' if you want to see where the user would be redirected without actually redirecting them.
  • theme: Defaults to "Sortter". Use 'custom' to return without styles
  • type: Define what loan types you want to include
  • utm: You can include UTM query to this attribute. It will be added to end of b2cUrl or b2bUrl as is.

28 days ago


28 days ago


3 months ago