@merchise/action-queue v4.3.1
A coordinated queue of actions
The class ActionQueue
allows to create a FIFO, LIFO and replacement of
actions. An action is a function that returns a
new ActionQueue(options)
Creates a new action queue. You can pass an object with options:
, it should be a bool to indicate if the functions 'append', 'prepend' and 'replace' should create and promises. Defaults to true.rejectCanceled
, it should be a bool to indicate if we reject the promises (ifcreatePromises
is also true) that are cancelled while still in the queue. See the methodsreplace
, if present it should a small integer to indicate the amount of actions the queue can run concurrently. We advice that you really small number: max. 10. The default is 1, which means no concurrency. Ignored if not a number, or smaller than 1.
append(fn, ...args)
Push a new action using a FIFO strategy. The new action is going to be executed after all current pending actions in the queue.
If the option createPromises
is true, return a promise that is
equivalent to the one that would be returned by the action after it
starts running. This promise will resolve only if/when the action
runs and resolves, and it will reject when the action rejects or is
If createPromises
is false, return undefined.
Any additional args
passed to this method is stored and passed to callbacks.
prepend(fn, ...args)
Prepend a new action using a LIFO strategy. If a current action is already running don't cancel it, instead queue the given action to be run later but before any other action in the queue.
If the option createPromises
is true, return a promise that is
equivalent to the one that would be returned by the action after it
starts running. This promise will resolve only if/when the action
runs and resolves, and it will reject when the action rejects or is
If createPromises
is false, return undefined.
Any additional args
passed to this method is stored and passed to callbacks.
replace(fn, ...args)
Cancel all pending and running actions in the queue and replace it with a new
action. This is the same as calling clear
and then append
Cancel all pending and running actions in the queue.
Register a callback to be called when any of the actions is completed successfully without being cancelled from the queue.
The callbacks will receive all arguments the underlying Promise yields when
resolving plus the extra args
passed in append
or prepend
Register a callback to be called when any of the actions is rejected without being cancelled.
The callbacks will receive all arguments the underlying Promise yields when
resolving plus the extra args
passed in append
or prepend
Register a callback to be called when any of the actions is resolved, rejected or cancelled (evicted from the queue).
The callbacks will receive all arguments the underlying Promise yields when
resolving plus the extra args
passed in append
or prepend
. If the
action was actually cancelled, there's no result and only the extra args
Register a callback to be called when any of the actions is cancelled (evicted from the queue).
The callbacks will receive the extra args
passed in append
or prepend
Return the length of queue including the running action.
Return a promise that resolves/rejects just as soon as the first pending/running action resolves/rejects.
Cancelations don't affect the promise. If the running action gets cancelled midway, this promise will take over on the next action. If no action is scheduled to be next, we wait.
The only way this promise is rejected, is if the running action is rejected. The only way this promise is resolved, is when the running action is resolved.
When the same queue is used several times, calls to promise may return different promises.
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