1.0.3 • Published 10 months ago
@michijs/color-converter v1.0.3
Color converter
A conversion utility for color spaces.
Based on CSS color module 4 draft and Easy RGB documentation
Color spaces conversion
Conversion can be made from the following spaces:
- hex ↔ rgba or rgb ↔ xyz ↔ lab ↔ lch
- rgba or rgb ↔ lch (a shorcut for the previous one)
- hex ↔ rgba or rgb ↔ hsl
- hex ↔ rgba or rgb ↔ hsv
Color spaces support
We offer support for the following spaces:
- lch (HCL)
- lab (CIE LAB)
- HEX (only with 3, 4, 6 or 8 digits) (FE: #FFF, #FFF0, #FFFFFF, #FFFFFF00)
- XYZ (CIE 1931)