1.2.1 • Published 5 years ago

@micropub-endpoint/core v1.2.1

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5 years ago

Micropub Endpoing

WARNING: Very very alpha right now do not use. Thanks.

What is this?

This is a nodejs micropub endpoint that can either be run as a standalone endpoint and data retreived via a rest api, or as a module in an express project.

It includes a bunch of cool features (or I think they're cool anyway...)


  • Supports micropub posting, actions and queries
  • Media endpoint
  • Automatically downloads images to your local media folder
  • Image resizing
  • Markdown parsing
  • Automatic webmention sending
  • Grabs referenced urls as microformats2
  • Highly exensible via middleware
  • Supports multiple database adapters
  • Realtime updates and data replication

Behind the scenes

This endpoint is powered by RxDB

Image resizing with sharp

Webmentions with send-webmention

Plain text processing with marked



npm install -g grantcodes/micropub-endpoint micropub-endpoint --config=/home/user/micropub-endpoint-config.json

As a node module

npm install grantcodes/micropub-endpoint

const express = require('express') const micropubEndpoint = require('micropub-endpoint') const app = express() const myEndpoint = micropubEndpoint(/config/)

app.use('/micropub', myEndpoint.router) app.listen(80)


Configuration can be done in a json file or passed as an object when using this as a node module


permalinkPattern - String - What your site permalinks look like. Written in express style. Must include year month and day at the moment. Default: :siteBaseUrl/:year/:month/:day/:slug

sendWebmentions - Boolean - Send webmentions automatically or not. Default: true

formatContent - Boolean - Whether or not to format plain text content. Default: true

getRefs - Boolean - Enables parsing of refereced urls. Default: true

downloadExternalMedia - Boolean - Whether or not to download referenced media files (photo, audio and video properties). They will be saved to the default media endpoint. Default: true

syndication - Array - Your syndication providers that will be returned in micropub config queries. Default: []

port - Number - Port to listen on. Default: 80

mediaDir - String - The local media directory. Default: dirname + '/../media'

dbName - String - The database name. Note: Must adhere to RxDB rules. Default: micropubendpoint

dbAdapter - String/Object - The database adapter. Note: To use a different adapter you must also load the appropriate RxDB plugin. Default: websql

imageSizes - Object - A set of sizes to scale images to. should be in the format {name: [width, height]} eg. {thumbnail: [200, 200], large: [1800, 0]}, Note: If you pass 0 as the height the image will retain its original ratio. Default: {}

siteBaseUrl - String(url) - The base url of your website with no trailing slash. Eg. https://grant.codes

endpointBaseUrl - String(url) - The base url of this media endpoint with no trailing slash. Eg. https://micropub.grant.codes or https://grant.codes/micropub

mediaBaseUrl - String(url) - The base url of your media folder. If you are running the endpoint in standalone mode it will default to {{endpointBaseUrl}}/static. If you are running this as a module you should statically serve the mediaDir and set this option

dbPassword - String - The database password

tokenEndpoint - String(url) - Your token endpoint. Used for authenticating requests

dangerousDevMode - Boolean - Set to true and the endpoint will skip checking tokens. It may do more in the future

mediaEndpoint - String(url) - If you want to post media to a different media endpoint pass the url here and all file storage will be handled by your media endpoint. No image resizing will be done.