0.1.0-alpha.2 • Published 2 years ago

@mikepaler/contracts v0.1.0-alpha.2

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Last release
2 years ago


Contracts are located in packages/contracts.

We use Hardhat as our Solidity smart contract development environment. Before using Hardhat, make a copy of .env.example in the project root named .env. The default settings in there should be enough to get you going. Next, starting in the contracts directory, start up Hardhat:

pnpm hardhat

Running pnpm hardhat spins up a Hardhat network instance that you can connect to using MetaMask. In a different terminal in the same directory, run:

pnpm deploy

This will deploy the contracts to the Hardhat network.

Or, if you would like to deploy and then watch the contracts for changes and auto-deploy them to the local Hardhat network, you can just run:

pnpm watch

Deployment and watching scripts are located in packages/contracts/scripts and packages/contracts/deploy.


We are big fans of using Ethernal to help with smart contract development. Think of Ethernal like Etherscan, but for your locally running Hardhat blockchain. We use it to quickly interact with our locally deployed contracts.

Once you have Ethernal setup, enable it for local ETS development by setting the following in your .env file:

ETHERNAL_WORKSPACE=[you local workspace name]

Now when you run npm hardhat:deploy your contracts will be automatically verified in the Ethernal interface allowing you to directly interact with them.

Note: its a good idea when re-deploying contracts to first reset your Ethernal workspace by issuing the following command:

ethernal reset [workspace name]

Remember to use quotes around workspace name if it has spaces.


To run tests:

pnpm hardhat-test

ETS Deployment


Configure hardhat.config.js to meet your needs, then from within the contracts root, run

# for localhost
pnpm deploy

# for mumbai
pnpm deploy-mumbai

# Or calling hardhat directly
hardhat deploy --tags deployAll --network localhost

Deployment details

ETS deployment scripts rely heavily on Hardhat Deploy and Open Zeppelin Upgrades plugins.

For granularity, each contract is deployed with a different script. Settings common or reused between scripts are in setup.js.

Order of deployment is important. This is controlled by the tag and a dependency features provided by hardhat-deploy. Deployment begins by passing the deployAll tag to hardhat-deploy (see deploy.js). deployAll it claims as dependency the last script to be deployed (ETSTargetTagger). ETSTargetTagger.js in turn sets its dependency (ETS). This dependency chain continues until it reaches the last dependency (ETSAccessControls) at which point the contracts start deploying from the last dependency (ETSAccessControls) to the first (ETSTargetTagger).

Once everything is deployed, the final configuration settings in deploy.js are executed.

We use Ethernal as a rapid development tool. If you have Ethernal enabled, fill out the following in your .env file and each contract will be verified as it's deployed to Ethernal:


Setting ETHERNAL_DISABLED=false for on chain deployments will attempt to verify the contracts using the verify task provided by hardhat-etherscan. For more details see utils/verify.js