1.0.1 • Published 1 month ago

@millisai/web-sdk v1.0.1

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1 month ago

Millis AI Web SDK

Welcome to the Millis AI Web SDK! This SDK enables you to integrate Millis AI's voice agent capabilities directly into your web applications and browser extensions.


Install the SDK with npm:

npm install @millisai/web-sdk


Here’s how to quickly set up a voice agent in your web application:

1. Import the SDK:

import Millis from '@millisai/web-sdk';

2. Initialize the Client:

const msClient = Millis.createClient({publicKey: 'your_public_key'});

Obtain your public key from your Millis AI Playground

3. Start a Conversation:

Using a Predefined Agent

First, create a voice agent from the Playground. Then, start a conversation with your agent using the following code:


Replace 'agent-id' with the ID of your agent obtained from the Playground.

Dynamically Creating a Temporary Voice Agent

You can also dynamically create a temporary voice agent with custom configurations using the code below:

  prompt: "You're a helpful assistant.", // Example prompt
  voice: {
    provider: "elevenlabs", // Voice provider
    name: "voice-id" // Replace 'voice-id' with the ID of the desired voice
  tools: ["list of function calls"] // Replace with actual function calls you need

4. Stop a Conversation:


5. Setup event listener:

    msClient.on("onopen", () => {
      // When the client connected to the server

    msClient.on("onready", () => {
      // When the conversation is ready 

    msClient.on("onaudio", (audio: Uint8Array) => {
      // Incoming audio chunk

    msClient.on("analyzer", (analyzer: AnalyserNode) => {
      // AnalyserNode that you can use for audio animation

    msClient.on("onclose", (event) => {
      // When the connection is closed

    msClient.on("onerror", (error) => {
      // An error occurred


If you encounter any issues or have questions, please reach out to us directly at thach@millis.ai.