1.0.2 • Published 5 months ago

@mimik/api-helper v1.0.2

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5 months ago


apiSetup(setup, registeredOperations, securityHandlers, extraFormats, config, correlationId) ⇒ Promise

Setup the API to be use for a service

Kind: global function
Returns: Promise - . &fulfil {object} The API file itself.
Category: async

  • Promise An error is thrown if the initiatilization failed.

By default System and Admin security are automatically registered

Requires: module:@mimik/response-helper, module:@mimik/sumologic-winston-logger, module:@mimik/swagger-helper, module:ajv-formats, module:fs, module:jsonwebtoken, module:lodash

setupobjectObject containing the apiFilename and the exisiting securitySchemes in the API definition.
registeredOperationsobjectList of the operation to register for the API.
securityHandlersobjectList of the securityHandlers to add for the service.
extraFormatsobjectlist of the formats to add for validatng properties.
configobjectConfiguration of the service.
correlationIdUUID.<string>CorrelationId when logging activites.

getAPIFile(apiFilename, correlationId, options) ⇒ Promise

Gets the API file from swaggerhub and store it in the give PATH location.

Kind: global function
Returns: Promise - . &fulfil {object} The API file itself.
Category: async

  • Promise An error is thrown if the apiFilename resolution generates an error or the request to the API provider fails or the file connot be saved.

apiInfo options has the following format:

   "provider": "provider of the api file, can be `swaggerhub` or `bitbucket`",
   "apiBasicAuth": {
     "username": "username for bitbucket",
     "password": "password for bitbucket"
   "apiApiKey": "apiKey for access private API on swaggerhub, can be optional if the API is accessible publically"

**Requires**: <code>module:@mimik/request-retry</code>, <code>module:@mimik/response-helper</code>, <code>module:@mimik/sumologic-winston-logger</code>, <code>module:fs</code>, <code>module:js-yaml</code>, <code>module:path</code>  

| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| apiFilename | <code>PATH.&lt;string&gt;</code> | Name of the file where the API file will be stored. |
| correlationId | <code>UUID.&lt;string&gt;</code> | CorrelationId when logging activites. |
| options | <code>object</code> | Options associated with the call. Use to pass `metrics` to `rpRetry` and `apiInfo` to access the api file in the api provider. |

<a name="setupServerFiles"></a>

## setupServerFiles(apiFilename, controllersDirectory, buidDirectory, correlationId, options) ⇒ <code>Promise</code>
Setup and validates files for the server

**Kind**: global function  
**Returns**: <code>Promise</code> - .
&fulfil {object} The API file, the API filename, and the existing know security schemes.  
**Category**: async  

- <code>Promise</code> An error is thrown for many reasons assocated with getAPIFile or validateSecuritySchemes or extractProperties.

**Requires**: <code>module:@mimik/request-retry</code>, <code>module:@mimik/response-helper</code>, <code>module:@mimik/sumologic-winston-logger</code>, <code>module:fs</code>, <code>module:js-yaml</code>, <code>module:path</code>  

| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| apiFilename | <code>PATH.&lt;string&gt;</code> | Name of the file where the API file will be stored. |
| controllersDirectory | <code>PATH.&lt;string&gt;</code> | Directory to find the controller files. |
| buidDirectory | <code>PATH.&lt;string&gt;</code> | = Directory where the register file will be stored. |
| correlationId | <code>UUID.&lt;string&gt;</code> | CorrelationId when logging activites. |
| options | <code>object</code> | Options associated with the call. Use to pass `metrics` to `rpRetry` and `apiKey`` to access private API. |

<a name="validateSecuritySchemes"></a>

## validateSecuritySchemes(apiDefinition, correlationId) ⇒
Validates the known SecuritySchemes: `SystemSecurity`, `AdminSecurity`, `UserSecurity`, `PeerSecurity`.

**Kind**: global function  
**Returns**: An array of the know securitySchemes that are in the API definition.  
**Category**: sync  

- An error is thrown for the first validation fails.

**Requires**: <code>module:@mimik/sumologic-winston-logger</code>, <code>module:@mimik/response-helper</code>  

| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| apiDefinition | <code>object</code> | JSON object containing the API definition. |
| correlationId | <code>UUID.&lt;string&gt;</code> | CorrelationId when logging activites. |

<a name="extractProperties"></a>

## extractProperties(apiDefinition, controllersDirectory, buidDirectory, correlationId) ⇒
Extracts the properties from API definiton and creates a file binding the handler with the controller operations.

**Kind**: global function  
**Returns**: null  
**Category**: sync  

- An error is thrown for many reasons, like operationId does not exist in controllers, controller dies not exist...

**Requires**: <code>module:@mimik/response-helper</code>, <code>module:@mimik/sumologic-winston-logger</code>, <code>module:fs</code>  

| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| apiDefinition | <code>object</code> | JSON object containing the API definition. |
| controllersDirectory | <code>PATH.&lt;string&gt;</code> | Directory to find the controller files. |
| buidDirectory | <code>PATH.&lt;string&gt;</code> | = Directory where the register file will be stored. |
| correlationId | <code>UUID.&lt;string&gt;</code> | CorrelationId when logging activites. |