0.0.1-alpha.8 • Published 2 years ago

@mirohq/miro-node v0.0.1-alpha.8

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Last release
2 years ago

WIP: This client is still a work in progress, anything may change at any time

Reference documentation: https://miroapp.github.io/api-clients/classes/index.Miro.html

Using Miro authentication wrapper

Miro class is a wrapper that handles authorization and per-user access token management.

To start using the client create a new instance:

import {Miro} from '@mirohq/miro-node'

const miro = new Miro()

By default client will load the app configuration from environment variables: MIRO_CLIENT_ID, MIRO_CLIENT_SECRET, MIRO_REDIRECT_URL. They can also be provided by passing the options object to the iconstructor.

const miro = new Miro({
  clientId: 'your_app_id',
  clientSecret: 'your_app_secret',
  redirectUrl: 'https://foo.bar/miro_return_url',

Other options are documented in the reference.

The client has all methods that are needed to complete Miro authorization flows and make API calls:

  1. Check if current user has authorized the app: miro.isAuthorized('some_user_id')
  2. Request user to authorize the app by redirecting them to: miro.getAuthUrl()
  3. Exchange users authorization code for a token in the return url's request handler: await miro.exchangeCodeForAccessToken('some_user_id', 'https://foo.bar/miro_return_url?code=12345')
  4. Use the API as a specific user: await miro.as('some_user_id').getBoards()

Most methods (isAuthorized, exchangeCodeForAccessToken, api) take user_id as a first paramters. This is the ID of the user in your app. The one that is currently logged in. It can be either a string or a number.

In order to persist user's access and refresh tokens client library requires a persistent storage. By default it uses filesystem to store this state. For production deployments we recommend using a custom implementation backed by a database. It can be passed as an option to Miro contructor:

const miro = new Miro({
  storage: new CustomMiroStorage(),

Storage should implement the following interface:

export interface Storage {
  read(userId: ExternalUserId): Promise<State | undefined>
  write(userId: ExternalUserId, state: State): Awaitable<void>

The client will automatically refresh access tokens if it is going to expire soon.

See the example usage with fastify web framework.

Methods & Models

.as(userId: string) method returns the instance of the Api class. This instance provides methods to create and get the list of Board models which then provides methods to get Item model and so forth.

Client provides a few helper methods that make it easy to paginate over all resources. For example getAllBoards method returns an async iterator that can be used to iterate over all available boards:

for await (const board of api.getAllBoards()) {

Using stateless MiroApi directly

Besides the high level stateful Miro client the library also exposes a stateless low level client:

import {MiroApi} from './index.ts'

const api = new MiroApi('ACCESS_TOKEN')

const boards = await api.getBoards()

See the documentation for a full list of methods.