0.1.0 ā€¢ Published 4 years ago

@mlperego/use-r3f-assets v0.1.0

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4 years ago

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šŸ§° use-r3f-assets

A set of hooks for quick prototyping in react-three-fiber.

yarn add use-r3f-assets

How it works

The assets are hosted on github and served using githack.com. When you are ready to go live, remember to donwload the assets and host them yourself!

šŸ› ļø useNormalTexture (needs suspense)

Loads normal textures from this repository: https://github.com/emmelleppi/normal-maps

const [normalMap, url] = useNormalTexture(
  1, // index of the normal texture - https://github.com/emmelleppi/normal-maps/blob/master/normals.json
  // second argument is texture attributes
    offset: [0, 0],
    repeat: [normRepeat, normRepeat],
    anisotropy: 8

return (
  <meshStandardMaterial normalMap={normalMap} />

āš’ļø useMatcapTexture (needs suspense)

Loads matcap textures from this repository: https://github.com/emmelleppi/matcaps

(It is a fork of this repository: https://github.com/nidorx/matcaps)

const [matcap, url] = useMatcapTexture(
 0, // index of the matcap texture https://github.com/emmelleppi/matcaps/blob/master/matcap-list.json
 1024 // size of the texture ( 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024 )

return (
 <meshMatcapMaterial matcap={matcap} />

šŸ‘‰ You can also use the exact name of the matcap texture, like so:

const [matcap] = useMatcapTexture("3E2335_D36A1B_8E4A2E_2842A5");

šŸ‘‰ Use the url to download the texture when you are ready for production!


4 years ago