2.1.14 • Published 5 years ago

@modix/mx-cucumber-cli v2.1.14

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Last release
5 years ago

Requirements for using this tool For including this libary into your project, the following things needs to be in place:

  • You need to have NodeJS up and running on your machine
  • Chrome and Firefox needs to be installed


The Tool can be installed Globally via the command npm i -g @modix/mx-cucumber-cli or can be included in any project, with npm i -D @modix/mx-cucumber-cli. Since the testcase are comming from an external repository, you need to take care, that the mx-cucumber-cli is allways up to date, before running any tests.


If you have installed mx-cucumber-cli globally, you can simply open the help, to get an overview about the possible commands, via the following command:

mx-cucmber-cli --help

Example usage with the minimum set of arguments:

mx-cucmber-cli --config=./config.json --features=./features

Here is a list of all arguments and their usage:

--configpath to your config.json
--stepspath to your own step-definition folder
--featurepath tom your own feature file folder
--tagsforward tag parameter to cucumberJS
--urlan URL given here will overwrite all URLs stated in the config
--validatechecks your config before performing tests. You can opt out after validation

Config JSON

For more flexibility in test cases the confi JSON provides a mapping and different options to add browsers, URLs, languages and routing.

    "language": [
    "browser": [
    "baseUrl": [
    "Pages": {
        "All": {
            "mapping": {
                "Cookie hint": {
                    "cssSelector": ".cookie-hint"
        "Homepage": {
            "routes": {
                "en": {
                    "route": "/en/home",
                    "title": "Awesome Site Title"
                "de": {
                    "route": "/de/startseite",
            mapping: {
                    "cssSelector": "h1"

at this point there is only 'chrome' and 'firefox' as browser options available

For generating the config.json, the following Tool could be helpfull: http://cucumber-js.x.modix.de/cucumber-js