0.4.2 • Published 4 years ago

@module-suite/test v0.4.2

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Last release
4 years ago

Module Suite

Suite for managing Javascript Modules on the Web.

Available Packages


$ yarn add @module-suite/bundle

Bundles locally referenced imports into a single bundled file with Rollup.


import bundle from '@module-suite/bundle'

const code = `
  import ReactDom from 'react-dom';
  import App from './App';
  function bootstrap(element) {
    return React.render(element, App)
  export default bootstrap;

const bundleCode = bundle(code, {
  packageName: 'my-module',
  packageVersion: '1.0.0',
  // Any dependencies of this code. Should include peerDeps.
  dependencies: {
	  'react': '^16.8.6',
  	  'react-dom': '^16.8.6',
  host: 'http://localhost:3030', // Module server host address
  shouldMinify: true, // If true, will minify with terser
  format: 'esm', // any format Rollup supports
  rootFilePath: './index.js', // For resolving local imports


$ yarn add @module-suite/create-url

Creates Module Server / Proxier valid urls. Can be used for importing Module Server modules or transforming imports in a bundler such as Rollup, Webpack, or Parcel.


import { createUrl, createDependencyUrls } from '@module-suite/create-url'

const url = createUrl('react', '16.8.6', {
  filePath: 'cjs/react.production.min.js', // Which file to use. Can be omitted to use module root.
  minify: false,
  host: 'http://localhost:3030',
  output: 'esm',
  transforms: ['nodeenv', 'deadcode', 'imports'] // Can also be true or false for specifying all or none transforms
}) // Url is `http://localhost:3030/react@16.8.6/cjs/react.production.min.js?output=esm&transforms=nodenv,deadcode,imports&minify=false


$ yarn add @module-suite/proxier

Proxy middleware for fetching and transforming modules.

Create a custom Module Server

import express from 'express';
import proxier from '@module-suite/proxier';

const app = express();

app.get('/*', (request, response) => {
	// Open Cors
    'access-control-allow-origin': '*',
    'access-control-allow-methods': 'GET',
  const { url } = request;
  const { host } = request.headers; // Could also be a forwarded host if using a CDN such as Cloudfront
  // Use secure protocol (https) if not running locally
  const hostWithProtocol = host.includes('localhost') ? `http://${host}` : `https://${host}`;
  return proxyModule(request, response, {
    host: hostWithProtocol,
    query: request.query,
    registry: 'https://registry.yarnpkg.com', // May also be a local or on premise internal registry

app.start(3030, () => {
	console.log('App up at http://localhost:3030')


$ yarn add @module-suite/rewrite

Rewrites module code with specified transforms and output types. Able to transform CJS to ESM, ESM to SystemJS, re-write import / require imports to use a Module Server, transform and remove process.env.NODE_ENV for better browser support, and bundle code with terser.


$ yarn add @module-suite/systemjs-loader

A SystemJS plugin for resolving and caching Module Server module requests. Uses SEMVER specified in url to find a matching version already loaded, if any.


$ yarn add @module-suite/test

Tests module using package.json to ensure compatibility with Module Server. Includes linting for best practices.