1.1.14 • Published 2 years ago

@momsfriendlydevco/express-middleware-cache v1.1.14

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2 years ago


Express middleware for caching the result of a server action in-memory, MongoDB or MemcacheD.


  • Easy to use syntax - Specify cache times in shorthand durations such as app.get('/some/api', cache('1h'), (req, res) => ...)
  • Cache invalidation - Provide a tag for your cache setup and quickly invalidate all matching routes if necessary
  • Etag support - Allows the client to make a request by the server generated hash and recieve either a code 200 (with data) or a 304 (Not Modified) response without actually making a full request
  • Pluggable interface - Not just in-memory storage! Add any FIXME plugin to hold cache contents over server restarts

Simple example

var cache = require('@momsfriendlydevco/route-cache');

// Setup the cache (configure which modules to try etc.)
await util.promisify(ache.setup)();

// This route should cache for about about 30 seconds
app.get('/some/api/hourly', cache('30s'), (req, res) => ...)

// This route should cache for about a minute and a half
app.get('/some/api/hourly', cache('1m30s'), (req, res) => ...)

// This route should cache for an hour
app.get('/some/api/hourly', cache('1h'), (req, res) => ...)

Cache invalidation

When setting up a cache specify tag / tags and invalidate against them when you want all calls to that route to be refreshed.

// Make a route which only gets refreshed every hour

app.get('/some/api', cache('1h', {tag: 'myApi'}), (req, res) => ...)

// Later after some action which requires a cache reset:




Object containing any future caching objects options.

Supported options:

durationstring1hDefault duration to cache for
cacheobject{}Options passed to @momsfriendlydevco/cache to setup a cache instance
hashObjectfunctionSee internalsMethod which returns the hashable object to use as the key in the cache. Defaults to hashing req.{method,path,query,body}
tagstring / array''Optional tag or tags to associate with the cache. These can be used to invalidate the cache later. If any member is a function it is called as (req, res) and expected to return a string
tagsstring / array''Alias of tag
etagbooleantrueUse eTag compatible caching with backend (only refresh when the server eTag doesn't match)
generateEtagfunctionSee internalsCallback-style function used to generate an eTag value. Called as (cb, hash, settings)
subscribebooleantrueSubscribe the returned EMC instance to the emc.events eventEmitter to react to gloabl events such as calls to emc.invalidate()
tagStorePrefixstring"emc-tagstore"Prefix to use when caching tagStore collections
cacheQueryfunction(req, res, content) => trueReplacable function used to determine if the request should be cached. Replacing this with (req, res) => res.statusCode == 200 would only cache 200 codes for example

cache(duration, options)

The basic cache factory. This function returns Express middleware tuned to the duration and options specified.

Options extend cache.defaults.

cache.setup(options, callback)

Initial setup function. This must be called before the caching system can actually be used.

You can also pass in options that override the defaults.


Reset the caching of any cache matching the given tag, array of tags or multiple tags.


Boolean indicating if cache.setup() has finished its processing.


An EventEmitter instance which can be bound to in order to retrieve events.

Events fired:

EventCalled asDescription
routeCacheHit(req)Fired when a route is requested that is handled by route-cache
routeCacheHashError(err, req)Fired when a route hashing system fails
routeCacheEtag(req, info)The client requested the current hash via the etag header and will be served a 304 "Not Modified" response
routeCacheExisting(req, info)Fired when a route is requested, a cached version exists and will be provided instead of recomputing the result
routeCacheFresh(req, info)Fired when a route is requested, a valid cache does not exist and we need to compute the result
routeCacheInvalidate(tag, hash)Fired when a single tag is invalidated
routeCacheCacher(driver)Emitted when the upstream Cache has loaded along with the driver ID that was used
routeCacheInvalidateRequest(...tags)Fired by emc.invalidate() to all upstream EMC objects to tell them to invalidate the given tags

The info object contains the following structure:

isFreshbooleanWhether the cache response was generated for this specific request
hashstringThe internal, unqiue hashing value used to identify this cache session

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