1.0.1 • Published 9 months ago

@momsfriendlydevco/joyful v1.0.1

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9 months ago


Tiny wrapper around Joi to provide easy validation + errors.


  • Simple terse format - No need to wrap outer objects in Joi.object(), POJOs and simple structures are converted for you
  • Verbose Joi imports - By using a callback you can avoid needing to import Joi as a library in your outer library, just import it for the validation construction and let it fall out of scope
  • Meaningful errors - Joi, while wonderful, doesn't make extracting errors easy, this library combines validation errors together and makes them readable as one string, readable by a human
  • Throw by default - Validation failures throw (configurable) by default without needing to examine the result and pick apart if an error occurred


Terse syntax

If given a callback, joyful() will call that function with (Joi) as the only argument, avoiding the need to import Joi into your outer application

import joyful from '@momsfriendlydevco/joyful';

    {foo: 'Foo!'},
    joi => ({foo: joi.string().required()}}),
); //= true

    joi => ({foo: joi.string().required()}}),
); //~ will throw a meaningful error

Verbose syntax

Or if you prefer the exactness of using Joi, use it as a regular validator.

import joyful from '@momsfriendlydevco/joyful';
import Joi from 'joi';

// Full verbose syntax to validate an object
    {foo: 'Foo!'},
    Joi.Object({foo: Joi.string().required()}),
); //= true

// Shorter - pass a POJO instead of the wrapping `Joi.object()`
    {foo: 'Foo!'},
    {foo: Joi.string().required()},
); //= true


joyful(data, schema, options)

This library exposes a simple function joyful(data, schema, options) which accepts:

  • data - The input data to validate
  • schema - A Joi.Object(), A POJO or a function which can return either. Can also be an array of any of these which are merged in order
  • options - Additional options to change the functions behaviour

Options are:

throwBooleantrueThrow an error if validation fails, otherwise the return value will be the string contents that would throw


joi instance.


9 months ago


10 months ago