1.0.0 • Published 4 years ago
@mrxbox98/hastebin-js v1.0.0
A npm module for generating hastebin links. https://www.npmjs.com/package/hastebin-paste
NPM: npm i hastebin-paste
Option | Type | Default Value |
url | string | "https://hastebin.com" |
extension | string | "txt" |
message | string | "Powered by hastebin-paste, a npm package." |
prefix | string | "The link is: " |
Using .then().catch()
const hastebin = require("hastebin-paste");
// You can change the extension(ex. "js", "txt", default: "txt") by setting the extension option
hastebin("code", { extension: "txt" }).then(haste => {
// Logs the created hastebin url to the console
console.log(haste); // https://hastebin.com/someid.txt
}).catch(error => {
// Handle error
Using async/await
This is assuming that you are in a asynchronous scope
const hastebin = require("hastebin-paste");
// You can change the extension by setting the extension option
const haste = await hastebin("code", { extension: "txt" });
// Logs the created hastebin url to the console
console.log(haste); // https://hastebin.com/someid.txt
Example with a custom haste-server instance
Using .then().catch()
const hastebin = require("hastebin-paste");
// You can change the extension by setting the extension option
hastebin("code", { url: "https://paste.example.com", extension: "txt" }).then(haste => {
// Logs the created hastebin url to the console
console.log(haste); // https://paste.example.com/someid.txt
}).catch(error => {
// Handle error
Using async/await
This is assuming that you are in a asynchronous scope
const hastebin = require("hastebin-paste");
// You can change the extension by setting the extension option
const haste = await hastebin("code", { url: "https://paste.example.com", extension: "txt" });
// Logs the created hastebin url to the console
console.log(haste); // https://paste.example.com/someid.txt
Using Message and Prefix option
const hastebin = require("hastebin-paste");
// You can change the extension by setting the extension option
hastebin("code", { url: "https://paste.example.com", extention: "txt", message: "example", prefix: "example" }).then(haste => {//set message that comes after the link or set the prefix that comes before the link
console.log(haste)// Logs the created hastebin url and message you set to the console
//the output will be "example https://paste.example.com/someid.txt example"
}).catch(error => {
// Handle error
4 years ago