2.3.0 • Published 3 years ago

@mtti/funcs v2.3.0

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3 years ago

Written in TypeScript npm License

This is my personal collection of small TypeScript utility functions.


This library exposes pure functions. They always return the same value for the same arguments and they have no side effect.

This library has no external runtime dependencies. Functions in this library can depend on other functions from this library, but must be simple enough not to need external dependencies.

Functions whose names start with...

  • assert check that their input matches some expectation and throw an error if they not, but won't return anything.
  • ensure transform their input to match some condition if it does not already.
  • expect transform their input into the return value if possible, or throw an error if not. For example: expectSingle().
  • is check that their input match some expectation and will return a boolean accordingly. They can also be type guards.



const ensureEndsWith = (subject: string, suffix: string): string

Add a suffix to a string if it doesn't already have it.


const ensureNotEndsWith = (subject: string, suffix: string): string

Remove a suffix from a string if it has it.


const ensureNotStartsWith = (subject: string, prefix: string): string

Removes a prefix from string if it has one.


const ensureStartsWith = (subject: string, prefix: string): string

Add a prefix to a string if it doesn't already have it.


const expectInteger = (value: unknown): number

Checks if a value of unknown type is an integer number or a string representation of one and returns it as a number if it is, or throws an error if it's not.


function expectSingle<T>(source: T|T[]): T

Given a single item or an array with a single item, returns that item. Throws an error if given an array with more than one item.

Kind of an opposite of toArray().


const expectString = (value: unknown): string

Checks if a value of unknown type is a string and returns it as such if it is, otherwise throws an error.


function firstOf<T>(arr: readonly T[]): T

Returns the last item of an array or throws an error if the input is not an array, or is an empty array.


function fromEntries<K extends string | number | symbol, V>(entries: readonly [string, V][]): Record<K, V>

Creates an object from an array of key-value pairs.

The opposite of Object.entries() for when your environment doesn't support Object.fromEntries().


function lastOf<T>(arr: readonly T[]): T

Returns the last item of an array or throws an error if the input is not an array, or is an empty array.


function removeFalsies<T>(arr: ReadonlyArray<T | Falsy>): T[]

Returns a copy of an array with falsy values removed.


function series<T = unknown>(tasks: Array<() => Promise<T>>): Promise<T[]>

Executes an array of asynchronous tasks in series, one by one.


function sleep(ms: number): Promise<void>

Returns a promise which will be resolved after the specified number of milliseconds. A helper to ease adding delays to async functions. Uses setTimeout so the actual duration is not guaranteed.


function toArray<T>(value: T|T[]): T[]

When you want to accept either an individual thing or an array of things but only want to deal with the array version, this function will take either an existing array and return it directly, or an individual item and return an array containing just it.



type Falsy = false | 0 | '' | null | undefined;

Most falsy values, except for NaN.


type OrArray<T> = T|T[];

A single value or an array of values of the same type.


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