2.0.1 • Published 1 year ago
@mussonindustrial/pyro-resource-signature v2.0.1
pyro-resource-signature lets you generate Ignition project resource.json
files with accurate signatures.
Using npm:
npm install --save @mussonindustrial/pyro-resource-signature
Build a new resource.json
import fs from 'fs'
import { newResource } from '@mussonindustrial/pyro-resource-signature'
const resource = await newResource(
scope: 'G',
version: 1,
restricted: false,
overridable: true,
attributes: {
lastModification: {
actor: 'bmusson',
timestamp: '2023-06-28T17:48:27Z',
'style.json': fs.readFileSync('./style/style.json'),
console.log(JSON.stringify(resource, null, 2))
// {
// "props": {
// "scope": "G",
// "version": 1,
// "restricted": false,
// "overridable": true,
// "files": [
// "style.json"
// ],
// "attributes": {
// "lastModification": {
// "actor": "bmusson",
// "timestamp": "2023-06-28T17:48:27Z"
// },
// "lastModificationSignature": "469a4d209743a8ac22aa87d150af6ef7b95b2818fee0ef805d13f70c6952b14c"
// }
// },
// "files": {
// "style.json": {
// "type": "Buffer",
// "data": [...]
// }
// }
// }
Parse an existing resource.json
import fs from 'fs'
import { parseResource } from '@mussonindustrial/pyro-resource-signature'
const MyView = (await parseResource('./views/MyView')))
console.log(JSON.stringify(MyView.props, null, 2))
// {
// "scope": "G",
// "version": 1,
// "restricted": false,
// "overridable": false,
// "files": [
// "thumbnail.png",
// "view.json"
// ],
// "attributes": {
// "lastModification": {
// "actor": "admin",
// "timestamp": "2022-01-05T18:19:55Z"
// },
// "lastModificationSignature": "3997d8f779b3c73dff658cb92ceb9b6de64a66aad2b4e04df9f45a46824f3a3f"
// }
// }
const view = JSON.parse(MyView.files['view.json'].toString())
Verify an existing resource.json
file signature
import fs from 'fs'
import { parseResource, hasValidSignature } from '@mussonindustrial/pyro-resource-signature'
const MyView = await parseResource('./views/MyView'))
console.log(await hasValidSignature(MyView))
// true
Updating an existing resource.json
file signature
import fs from 'fs'
import { parseResource, updateSignature } from '@mussonindustrial/pyro-resource-signature'
const MyView = await parseResource('./views/MyView'))
console.log(await updateSignature(MyView))
// true (if updated)
- @paul-griffith's modification-updater application for the key signature logic.