4.2.0 • Published 3 months ago

@mx-inventor/nativescript-camera-plus v4.2.0

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3 months ago


npm install @nstudio/nativescript-camera-plus

Note :- Android Please add the following to your app.gradle

android {
 compileOptions {
       sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
       targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8


Yes the camera is rotated because it's a webcam to an emulator and it's just the way life works

Camera Plus


The demo apps work best when run on a real device. You can launch them from the simulator/emulator however the camera does not work on iOS simulators. Android emulators will work with cameras if you enable your webcam.

Android Emulator Note

The camera in your webcam being used on emulators will likely be rotated sideways (incorrectly). The actual camera output will be correctly oriented, it's only the preview on emulators that present the preview incorrectly. This issue shouldn't be present on real devices due to the camera being oriented correctly on the device vs. a webcam in a computer.


debugbooleanfalseIf true logs will be output in the console to help debug the Camera Plus events.
confirmPhotosbooleantrueIf true the default take picture event will present a confirmation dialog before saving.
confirmRetakeTextstring'Retake'When confirming capture this text will be presented to the user to retake the photo.
confirmSaveTextstring'Save'When confirming capture this text will be presented to the user to save the photo.
saveToGallerybooleantrueIf true the default take picture event will save to device gallery.
galleryPickerModestring'multiple'The gallery/library selection mode. 'single' allows one image to be selected. 'multiple' allows multiple images.
showFlashIconbooleantrueIf true the default flash toggle icon/button will show on the Camera Plus layout.
showToggleIconbooleantrueIf true the default camera toggle (front/back) icon button will show on the Camera Plus layout.
showCaptureIconbooleantrueIf true the default capture (take picture) icon/button will show on the Camera Plus layout.
showGalleryIconbooleantrueIf true the choose from gallery/library icon/button will show on the Camera Plus layout.
enableVideobooleanfaleIf true the CameraPlus instance can record video and videos are shown in the gallery.

Static Properties

Note: These properties need set before the initialization of the camera. Users should set these in a component constructor before their view creates the component if the wish to change the default values. In case of enableVideo, this will be true if either the static property or the component property is true.

enableVideobooleanVideo Support (off by default). Can reset it before using in different views if they want to go back/forth between photo/camera and video/camera
defaultCameraCameraTypesDefaults the camera correctly on launch. Default 'rear'. 'front' or 'rear'

Android Only Properties

flashOnIconstringName of app_resource drawable for the native image button when flash is on (enabled).
flashOffIconstringName of app_resource drawable for the native image button when flash is off (disabled).
toggleCameraIconstringName of app_resource drawable for the toggle camera button.
takePicIconstringName of app_resource drawable for the take picture (capture) button.
galleryIconstringName of app_resource drawable for the open gallery (image library) button.
autoFocusbooleanIf true the camera will use continuous focus when the camera detects changes of the target.

iOS Only Properties

doubleTapCameraSwitchbooleanEnable/disable double tap gesture to switch camera. (enabled)

Cross Platform Public Methods

isCameraAvailable()Returns true if the device has at least one camera.
toggleFlash()Toggles the flash mode on the active camera.
toggleCamera()Toggles the active camera on the device.
chooseFromLibrary(opts?: IChooseOptions)Opens the device gallery (image library) for selecting images.
takePicture(opts?: ICaptureOptions)Takes a picture of the current preview in the CameraPlus.
getFlashMode(): stringAndroid: various strings possible: https://developer.android.com/reference/android/hardware/Camera.Parameters.html#getFlashMode() iOS: either 'on' or 'off'
record(opts?: IVideoOptions)Starts recording a video.
stop()Stops the video recording, when stopped the videoRecordingReadyEvent event will be emitted.

Android Only Public Methods

requestCameraPermissions(explanationText?: string)Prompts the user to grant runtime permission to use the device camera. Returns a Promise.
hasCameraPermission()Returns true if the application has been granted access to the device camera.
requestStoragePermissions(explanationText?: string)Prompts the user to grant runtime permission to use external storage for saving and opening images from device gallery. Returns a Promise.
hasStoragePermissions()Returns true if the application has been granted access to the device storage.
getNumberOfCameras()Returns the number of cameras on the device.
hasFlash()Returns true if the active camera has a flash mode.


errorEventExecutes when an error is emitted from CameraPlus
photoCapturedEventExecutes when a photo is taken.
toggleCameraEventExecutes when the device camera is toggled.
imagesSelectedEventExecutes when images are selected from the device library/gallery.
videoRecordingStartedEventExecutes when video starts recording.
videoRecordingFinishedEventExecutes when video stops recording but has not process yet.
videoRecordingReadyEventExecutes when video has completed processing and is ready to be used.
confirmScreenShownEventExecutes when the picture confirm dialog is shown..
confirmScreenDismissedEventExecutes when the picture confirm dialog is dismissed either by Retake or Save button.

Option Interfaces

export interface ICameraOptions {
  confirm?: boolean;
  saveToGallery?: boolean;
  keepAspectRatio?: boolean;
  height?: number;
  width?: number;
  autoSquareCrop?: boolean;
  confirmRetakeText?: string;
  confirmSaveText?: string;
export interface IChooseOptions {
  width?: number;
  height?: number;
  keepAspectRatio?: boolean;
  showImages?:  boolean;
  showVideos?: boolean;
export interface IVideoOptions {
  quality?: CameraVideoQuality;
  confirm?: boolean;
  saveToGallery?: boolean;
  height?: number;
  width?: number;
  disableHEVC?: boolean;
  androidMaxVideoBitRate?: number;
  androidMaxFrameRate?: number;
  androidMaxAudioBitRate?: number;