0.4.0 • Published 2 years ago
@mylims/base-processor v0.4.0
Library for creating processors with MYLIMS
First time please be sure to have everything properly configured:
cp .env.example .env
npm install
npm run tsc
After is possible to define a processor that will consume the data from the file and will be able to upload a measurement to the database.
import { Processor, ProcessorConfig } from '@mylims/base-processor';
import { fromB1505, toJcamp } from 'iv-spectrum';
const config: ProcessorConfig = {
topic: 'b1505',
process: processorFunc,
autoCreateSample: false,
async function processorFunc(processor: Processor) {
if (!processor.file) throw new Error('Missing file');
const { filename } = processor.file;
const username = filename.split('_')[0];
const sampleCode = filename.split('_').slice(1);
const content = await processor.file.read();
const analyses = fromB1505(content);
for (const analysis of analyses) {
const jcamp = toJcamp(analysis);
file: {
content: jcamp,
filename: `${filename}.jdx`,
mimetype: 'chemical/x-jcamp-dx',
measurementType: 'iv',
derivedData: analysis.derived,
export default config;