5.1.2 • Published 7 months ago
@myrmidon/cadmus-ui-note-set v5.1.2
Cadmus UI - Notes Set
This library was generated with Angular CLI version 17.3.0.
A fixed set of editable notes, using plain text and/or Markdown. This is used when your model has a set of free text notes, often related, either plain text or Markdown, and you want a compact UI to edit all of them.
This requires ngx-markdown:
npm i ngx-markdown marked --save
npm i @types/marked --save-dev
As the library is using Marked parser you will need to add node_modules/marked/marked.min.js
to your application. If you are using Angular CLI you can add to scripts
"scripts": [
Also ensure to import MarkdownModule.forRoot()
in your app module (or use importProvidersFrom(MarkdownModule.forRoot())
in app.config.ts
of a standalone app), as forRoot
injects the required MarkdownService