0.1.1 • Published 8 months ago

@mythosthesia/visualize-rust-code-execution v0.1.1

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Last release
8 months ago


Vite plugin that adds call-stack visualizations to rust code in reveal.js slides.


  1. Install vite with:
npm install -D vite
  1. Install with:
npm install -D @mythosthesia/visualize-rust-code-execution
  1. If you haven't already, install rust, and make sure that the rust built-in component rust-gdb is available as an executable in your terminal.


  1. In your vite.config.js, add the visualizeRustCodeExecution plugin:
import { defineConfig } from "vite";
import visualizeRustCodeExecution from "../dist/index.js";

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [visualizeRustCodeExecution()],

This will parse the rust code from the slides, compile and run it, and add the execution steps to the reveal.js slides as fragments in the end of the code.

  1. In the reveal.js setup, import reveal.js-script-fragment and the rust-execution-visualizer element:
<script type="module">
  import Reveal from "reveal.js";
  import RevealHighlight from "reveal.js/plugin/highlight/highlight.esm.js";
  import RevealScriptFragment from "reveal.js-script-fragment";
  import "@mythosthesia/visualize-rust-code-execution/dist/elements/rust-execution-visualizer.js";

  let deck = new Reveal({
    plugins: [RevealHighlight, RevealScriptFragment],

This package depends on reveal.js-script-fragment, so it won't work if it isn't available on the reveal.js slides.


Add data-visualize-execution to any <code class="rust"> that you'd like to add visualization to:

<pre><code class="rust" data-visualize-execution data-trim data-noescape>
let s = String::from("mystring");

fn ref_function(s: &String) {}
fn ownership_function(s: String) {}