0.0.3 • Published 3 years ago

@nacelle/rise-nuxt-module v0.0.3

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Last release
3 years ago


This package is deprecated. To integrate a third party script with your Nuxt project, follow our docs here: https://docs.getnacelle.com/nuxt/external-scripts.html

Nacelle Rise Nuxt Module

Integrate Rise.ai's gift card configurator into your Nacelle Nuxt project

Animation of Rise.ai gift card add-to-cart flow



To see the setup instructions demonstrated in a Nacelle Nuxt project, check out the example.

Add Module to Nacelle

Once you have Nacelle set up, you can install this module in your project from npm:

npm install @nacelle/rise-nuxt-module --save

After the package has installed, open nuxt.config.js. Under modules add @nacelle/nacelle-rise-nuxt-module to the array:

modules: [
  // ...other modules,

Then add your store's Shopify domain to your environment variables .env file:

# example: "starship-furniture" for "starship-furniture.myshopify.com"

Lastly, add the environment variable to the nacelle block of nuxt.config.js:

// nuxt.config.js
nacelle: {
  // ...other Nacelle config
  shopifyDomain: process.env.SHOPIFY_DOMAIN

Configure the checkoutCreate action

By default, the $nacelle.checkout.process calls in the checkoutCreate action in ~/store/checkout.js are as follows:

let checkout = await this.$nacelle.checkout.process({ cartItems, checkoutId })
if (checkout && checkout.completed) {
  checkout = await this.$nacelle.checkout.process({ cartItems, checkoutId: '' })

For the Rise integration to work as expected, you must update this code to include a new metafield which is passed to the checkout:

const cartToken = window.sessionStorage.getItem('cartToken')
const metafields = cartToken ? [{ key: 'cart_token', value: cartToken }] : []

let checkout = await this.$nacelle.checkout.process({
if (checkout && checkout.completed) {
  checkout = await this.$nacelle.checkout.process({
    checkoutId: '',

Modify the Product Detail Page

In ~/pages/products/_productHandle.vue, use this.$rise.registerProduct() to provide product information to Rise in the mounted lifecycle:

mounted() {
  this.$rise.registerProduct({ product: this.product })

Add a Class to the Add-to-Cart Button

Whether you're using ~/components/nacelle/ProductAddToCartButton.vue or a custom Add to Cart button, the last step is to add the Rise-add-to-cart-button class to your Add to Cart button.

<button class="Rise-add-to-cart-button">Add to Cart</button>

The "Send as a Gift" button added by Rise inherits the styles of the Add to Cart button, but it can also be styled using the gwbutton class.