@nam-hai/water-flow v0.1.0
Waterflow is a Nuxt3 library that enables flawless page transitions (Vue3's router too).
$ npm i @nam-hai/water-flow
Waterflow and its <BufferPage />
hijack <router-view>
and can be placed as a replacement (<slot />
in layout.vue
for Nuxt3)
<BufferPage />
<script lang='ts'>
import { BufferPage } from '@nam-hai/water-flow';
import index from '@/pages/index.vue';
import about from '@/pages/about.vue';
import home from '@/pages/home.vue';
import { FlowProvider, provideFlowProvider } from '@nam-hai/waterflow'
// provide useFlowProvider through out your whole project
const flowProvider = new FlowProvider()
// register each page where you will use
flowProvider.registerPage('index', index)
flowProvider.registerPage('home', home)
flowProvider.registerPage('about', about)
Now use usePageFlow
for the page transitions :
props: {
// enable crossfade animations and set if the BufferPage is on top or under the current page
enableCrossfade: 'TOP',
flowOut: ({ }, resolve) => {
// insert animation out for the current page
flowInCrossfade: ({ buttonRef }, resolve) => {
// insert animation of the next page
// use the animation engine you like
const tl = anime.timeline({
easing: 'easeOutExpo',
duration: 750
targets: wrapperRef.value,
translateX: 250,
targets: buttonRef.value,
translateX: 250,
complete: function(anim) {
// make sure to call the resolve callback to trigger the route change once the animation is over
}, '+=600')
usePageFlow props
Name | Type | Default | Description |
props | T | Pass props (Vue Refs) the way you want | |
enableCrossfade | boolean or 'TOP' or 'BOTTOM' | false | Enable crossfade animations and set if the BufferPage is on top or under the current page. True and 'BOTTOM' are the same |
flowOutMap | Map<string, FlowFunction\> | undefined | Specify a Map of animations for the current page (see more) |
flowOut | FlowFunction\ | undefined | Specify a default animation for the current page |
flowInCrossfadeMap | Map<string, FlowFunction\> | undefined | Specify a Map of animations for the next page (see more) |
flowOut | FlowFunction\ | undefined | Specify a default animation for the next page |
disablePointerEvent | boolean | true | Disable pointer events for the duration of the animation. Still experimental, clicking on a link during the animation can break app |
Type FlowFunction
type FlowFunction<T> = (props: T, resolve: () => void, flowProps?: FlowProps) => void
Function of type FlowFunction
have the responsibility to trigger the resolve
callback and can be used to animate your pages. Those functions are called in usePageFlow
when the route change, ie: onBeforeRouteLeave(to, from, next)
and resolve
leads to trigger the next
are the Refs you want the access during the animations. They are the ones passed to usePageFlow
are props not tied to one specific page. Can be useful for animations on layout elements or canvas.
type FlowProps = Record<string, any>
You can add flowProps anywhere in the app :
const webglScene = new WebGLScene()
const flowProvider = useFlowProvider()
flowProvider.addProps('canvas', webglScene)
flowOutMap and flowInCrossfadeMap
You can setup multiple animations to leave one page to another. To do so, you need to pass "FlowMaps". They map from a key to a FlowFunction
with the key following the naming convention :
routeNameFrom => routeNameTo
const transitionIndexOutAbout = ({wrapperRef, buttonRef}, resolve, {canvas}) => {
// insert your animations
const transitionIndexOutHome = ({wrapperRef, buttonRef}, resolve, {canvas}) => {
// insert your animations
const transitionIndexOutDefault = ({wrapperRef, buttonRef}, resolve, {canvas}) => {
// insert your animations
const IndexFlowOutMap = new Map([
['index => about', transitionIndexOutAbout],
['index => home', transitionIndexOutHome]
['default', transitionIndexOutDefault]
You might want to init things or start some animation after crossfade animations have ended. onMounted
will trigger when the crossfade animation start. Use onFlow
the same way you'd use onMounted
to trigger callback when the page is officially changed and crossfade animations have ended.
Connect your smooth scroll
Waterflow reset the scroll after each page transitions. But if you use a smooth scroll, like Lenis or Locomotive Scroll, this might create conflict. To prevent this, you can connect your smooth scroll to FlowProvider
Example for Lenis
const flowProvider = useFlowProvider()
useRaf((e) => {
!flowProvider.flowIsHijacked.value && lenis.raf(e.elapsed)
resume: () => { lenis.start() },
stop: () => { lenis.stop() },
scrollToTop: () => { lenis.scrollTo('top', { immediate: true }) }
is true while the crossfade animations.
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