0.1.4 • Published 8 months ago
@napi-rs/tar v0.1.4
Node.js tar binding https://docs.rs/tar/latest/tar/
export class Entries {
[Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<Entry, void, void>
export class Entry {
path(): string | null
export class Archive {
/** Create a new archive with the underlying path. */
constructor(path: string)
entries(): Entries
* Unpacks the contents tarball into the specified `dst`.
* This function will iterate over the entire contents of this tarball,
* extracting each file in turn to the location specified by the entry's
* path name.
* This operation is relatively sensitive in that it will not write files
* outside of the path specified by `dst`. Files in the archive which have
* a '..' in their path are skipped during the unpacking process.
unpack(to: string): void
Install this test package
yarn add @napi-rs/tar
pnpm install @napi-rs/tar
npm install @napi-rs/tar