0.1.4 • Published 2 years ago

@nawt/media v0.1.4

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Last release
2 years ago


A media query utility for Styled Components. This was created to introduce some programming operators into the mix and also an attempt to make writing media queries just a little bit less tedious for Styled Components.


# For NPM
npm install @nawt/media

# For Yarn
yarn add @nawt/media

# For PNPM
pnpm install @nawt/media


mq(query: string, mediaType: TMediaTypes)

Primary function to help in writing styles with media queries.

import { mq } from '@nawt/media';
import styled from 'styled-components';

// Via string literal styling
export const Button = styled.button`
  display: flex;
  background: red;

  ${mq('width >= 1200px')`
    display: none;

For range based media queries, below is an example of how to create those types of queries.

// for min queries, below will return a string '@media (min-width: 768px)
mq('width >= 768px');

// for max queries, below will return a string '@media (max-width: 768px)'
mq('width <= 768px');

// for in between queries, below will return a string '@media (min-width: 468px) and (max-width: 768px)'
mq('480px >= width <= 768px');

// Or for some reason, it has to be a specific value, this example will return '@media (resolution: 300dpi)'
mq('res == 300dpi');

Apart from the typical min/max queries, other types of media queries are also available.

// To concatenate queries, you can use the '&&' operator. Below will return a string '@media (orientation: landscape) and (min-height: 480px)'
mq('landscape && height >= 480px');

// For "or" based queries, you can use the '||' operator. Below will return a string '@media (min-height: 680px), (orientation: portrait)'
mq('height >= 680px || portrait');

// Parentheses are also allowed if you wish to add them
mq('(height >= 680px) || (portrait)');

// Definition of media type is also available
mq('(height >= 680px)', 'screen');

As you may have noticed from the above example, certain keywords return a certain media query string eg. landscape, portrait, screen, etc. Here is a full list of currently available keywords or scroll down to the Keywords and Operators section.


type TMediaTypes = {
  | 'all'
  | 'screen'
  | 'onlyScreen'
  | 'speech'
  | 'onlySpeech'
  | 'print'
  | 'onlyPrint';

mqo(query: string, styles: CSSObject, mediaType: TMediaTypes)

An object based version of mq with the primary differences being styles will need to be passed as an object and invocation of mqo is required to be spread into the styled component object.

import { mqo } from '@nawt/media';
import styled from 'styled-components';

// Via object styles
export const Button = styled.button(() => ({
  display: 'flex',
  background: 'red',
  ...mqo('width >= 1200px', {
    display: 'none'

Query wise, functionally, is exactly the same as mq so refer to mq above for formulating media queries. Note that for mqo, by default the mediaType argument is set to screen.


type TMediaTypes = {
  | 'all'
  | 'screen'
  | 'onlyScreen'
  | 'speech'
  | 'onlySpeech'
  | 'print'
  | 'onlyPrint';

createMq(query: string, mediaType?: TMediaTypes)

This function accepts a single query string and parses it to a media query string.

// 'mediaType' param is optional
createMq('width >= 480px'); // returns '@media (min-width: 480px)'

// 'mediaType' param is optional
createMq('width >= 480px', 'screen'); // returns '@media screen and (min-width: 480px)'


type TMediaTypes = {
  | 'all'
  | 'screen'
  | 'onlyScreen'
  | 'speech'
  | 'onlySpeech'
  | 'print'
  | 'onlyPrint';

createMqs(queries: TCreateMediaQueries[])

This function accepts an array of objects with each describing a media query and returns an object with the parsed media queries in accordance to its assigned keys.

// Pass in an array of objects. Note property "mediaType" is optional and you can choose not to declare it.
    key: 'tablet',
    query: 'width >= 768px',
    mediaType: 'screen'
    key: 'desktop',
    query: 'width >= 1200px',
    mediaType: 'screen'

// This will return an object:
// {
//  tablet: '@media screen and (min-width: 768px)',
//  desktop: '@media screen and (min-width: 1200px)'
// }


export type TCreateMediaQueries = {
  key: string;
  query: string;
  mediaType?: TMediaTypes;

Keywords And Operators

Below is a list of keywords and operators. Take note that "not", "only", "less than" and "more than" operators will be added in the near future including potential new and stable media queries.

Logical Operators


Relational Operators

>="more than or equal", denotes a mininum value
<="less than or equal", denotes a maximum value
=="equal", denotes an is equal

Media Types

onlyScreenonly screen
onlySpeechonly speech
onlyPrintonly print

Media Input

anyHoverany-hover: hover
anyHoverNoneany-hover: none
hoverhover: hover
hoverNonehover: none
anyPointerCoarseany-pointer: coarse
anyPointerFineany-pointer: fine
anyPointerNoneany-pointer: none
pointerCoarsepointer: coarse
pointerFinepointer: fine
pointerNonepointer: none

Media Display

browserdisplay-mode: browser
fullScreendisplay-mode: browser
minUIdisplay-mode: browser
standalonedisplay-mode: browser
landscapeorientation: landscape
portraitorientation: portrait

Media Boundaries


Media Accessibility

darkColorSchemeprefers-color-scheme: dark
lightColorSchemeprefers-color-scheme: light
reducedMotionprefers-reduced-motion: reduce
reducedMotionAnyprefers-reduced-motion: no-preference