0.1.8 • Published 3 years ago

@neode/querybuilder v0.1.8

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3 years ago


This package provides a fluent interface for building cypher queries - and is heavily used in Neode. It will take care of parameterisation for you so your queries will be safe.

Getting Started


You can install this package using your favourite package manager:

npm install --save @neode/querybuilder


The builder has a number of methods that can be used to build up a cypher query. Say you want a query like:

MATCH (p:Person)-[:ACTED_IN]->(m:Movie)
WHERE m.released >= 2003

The javascript code would look something like:

import Builder, { Direction } from '@neode/querybuilder'

const builder = new Builder

// Create a statement
builder.match('p', 'Person', { name: 'Keanu Reeves' })
    .relationship('ACTED_IN', Direction.OUTGOING)
    .to('m', 'Movie')
    .whereGreaterThanOrEqual('m.released', 2003)
    .return('p', 'm')

// Get the Cypher statement as a string
const queryAsString = builder.toString()

// Get the query and the params built up by the instance
const { cypher, params } = builder.build()

Using with Neode

You can pass the cypher and params straight into .cypher and then use .hydrate to convert the result into a Neode model.

const { cypher, params } = (new Builder())
    .match('n', 'Node')
    .where('n.id', 1)

neode.cypher(query, params)
    .then(res => neode.hydrateFirst('n'))
    .then(node => console.log( node.id() ))

Simple Queries

By default, the builder will produce a single where clause:

builder.match('n', 'Person')
    .where('n.name', 'Keanu Reeves')
    .or('n.name', 'Laurence Fishburn')

Will produce something along the lines of:

MATCH (p:Person)-[:ACTED_IN]->(m:Movie)
WHERE (n.name = $n_name1 OR n.name = $n_name2)

More complex Where clauses

If you need something more complex, you can also pass an instance of the WhereStatement:

// First add the parameters to the builder
builder.setParam('matrixReleasedAfter', 2000)
builder.setParam('atlasReleasedBefore', 2000)

// Then create new instances of WhereStatement using those parameters
    .match('p', 'Person', { name: 'Keanu Reeves' })
    .relationship('ACTED_IN', Direction.OUTGOING)
    .to('m', 'Movie')
        (new WhereStatement())
            .whereContains('m.title', 'Matrix')
            .whereGreaterThan('m.released', 'matrixReleasedBefore') // Reference set above
        (new WhereStatement())
            .whereEndsWith('m.title', 'Atlas')
            .whereLessThanOrEqual('m.released', 'atlasReleasedBefore') // Reference set above
    .return('p', 'm')

This will produce:

MATCH (p:Person {name: $p_name})-[:ACTED_IN]->(m:Movie)
WHERE ((m.title CONTAINS $Matrix AND m.released > $matrixReleasedBefore))
OR ((m.title ENDS WITH $Atlas AND m.released <= $atlasReleasedBefore))


export default class Builder<T> {
    setParam(key: string, value: any): Builder<T>;
    match<T>(alias: string, labels?: Array<string> | string, properties?: object): Builder<T>;
    call(fn: string, ...parameters: any[]): Builder<T>;
    yield(...items: string[]): Builder<T>;
    optionalMatch<T>(alias: string, labels?: Array<string> | string, properties?: object): Builder<T>;
    create<T>(alias: string, labels?: Array<string> | string, properties?: object): Builder<T>;
    merge<T>(alias: string, labels?: Array<string> | string, properties?: object): Builder<T>;
    relationship(type: string | string[], direction?: Direction, alias?: string | null, properties?: object | undefined, degrees?: number | string): Builder<T>;
    to(alias?: string | undefined, labels?: Array<string> | string, properties?: object | undefined): Builder<T>;
    onCreateSet(key: string, value: any): Builder<T>;
    onMatchSet(key: string, value: any): Builder<T>;
    set(key: string, value: any): Builder<T>;
    remove(...values: string[]): this;
    setAppend(key: string, value: object): Builder<T>;
    where(key: string | WhereStatement | object, value?: any | undefined): Builder<T>;
    whereNot(key: string | object, value?: any | undefined): Builder<T>;
    whereId(alias: string, id: number): Builder<T>;
    whereNotId(alias: string, id: number): Builder<T>;
    whereRaw(predicate: string): Builder<T>;
    whereLike(key: string, value: any): Builder<T>;
    whereNotLike(key: string, value: any): Builder<T>;
    whereStartsWith(key: string, value: any): Builder<T>;
    whereNotStartsWith(key: string, value: any): Builder<T>;
    whereEndsWith(key: string, value: any): Builder<T>;
    whereNotEndsWith(key: string, value: any): Builder<T>;
    whereContains(key: string, value: any): Builder<T>;
    whereNotContains(key: string, value: any): Builder<T>;
    whereGreaterThan(key: string, value: any): Builder<T>;
    whereGreaterThanOrEqual(key: string, value: any): Builder<T>;
    whereLessThan(key: string, value: any): Builder<T>;
    whereLessThanOrEqual(key: string, value: any): Builder<T>;
    whereBetween(key: string, floor: any, ceiling: any): Builder<T>;
    delete(...items: string[]): Builder<T>;
    detachDelete(...items: string[]): Builder<T>;
    orderBy(key: string, order?: Order): Builder<T>;
    or(key: string | object, value?: any | undefined): Builder<T>;
    skip(skip: number): Builder<T>;
    limit(limit: number): Builder<T>;
    return(...values: Array<string>): Builder<T>;
    with(...items: string[]): Builder<T>;
    getParams(): Params;
    build(): BuiltCypher;
    toString(): string;